Date : Friday, October 31, 2008 Results released today . In th morning . Check my phone . Pppl were telling me tht i go 3E4 . I was like wtf . Thn met Hero go schl see who go wht class . Yeah & she got into 3E2 . Sian , th ppl who i so damn wanted t separate with , had t be in th same class as me next year , & th ppl who i wanna be with all left me . All went into 3E1 , 3E2 & 3E3 . & a huge number of 2E4 ppl go 3E5 . Sian . & our class was th only class tht nobody when dropped t normal acad :} & Weiyee frm 2N2 go 3E5 ley ! Hahaaa pro ! :} Aft tht go Hero's Ahma house , lol . Go thr dehr Mac . BUAHAHAHHA FUNNY BODOH ! Beside us got Cold Storage staff . Thn got this dua pui guy , his ring tone is th Cold Storage Advertisement one lah ! ' You got th whole world in your hands .. ' Thn somemore ring a lot times eh . Thn me & Hero keep laughing . Uncontrollable till she gotta go toilet & chill herself down . HAHAAA . Cos like , when we gonna stop laughing alrs thn his phone ring again -.- wth . Thn like one of th guys go buy . thn come back with 3 $1 Cokes . zzz . 3 adults drink such a small coke -.- Hahaa . So retard . LOL . Thn aft tht got this Indian man's shop . We see th comic book niah , he say ' you want buy not ? We say ' looking ' He say ' if don't wanna by thn don't look lah ' Thn we were like wtf ? LOL . Thn we keep disiao him , keep pulling his shelve . Hahaa below got roller one lah , thn he keep putting back . Funny siol ! Thn go Cold Storage wear th Halloween thingy . HAHAHAHHA . & We were bored , thn went back t Mac gossip . OOPS . But gossip abt th truth . LOL . Yeah thn nothing much alrs :}
Ohyars . Thn on msn , talk t Jiamin abt th fucker ! HAHAA . Cos i saw him today with HER . WTF . Snatch ppl boyf niah . zzz . & i think th fucker is pajiao :} Halal dehr also want . HAHAA & YY said he won't sacrifice his freedom of eating pork fr a girl ! HAHAHAH FUNNY SIAH ! :x ![]() Bingshen ! This is fr you :} ❥ BYEBYES :D Tagged By Jana :} 1) Whats your full name ? Tan Yun Jia :} 2) Do you like your first name ? If i don't like wht can i do siah . lol :x 3) How long have you liked the person you currently like ? ___ days :x 4) Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours ? My Teddybear ? Nah just joking :} 5) Did you cry today ? Erm does tearing count ? :x 6) What are you doing this morning at 8am ? Sleeping lah thn :] 7) What are you doing an hour ago ? Using comp ? :} 8) What are you currently doing ? Doing this quiz , watching tv , :/ 9) Who last texted you a msg ? Chongqi ? 10) Have to told anybody that you love them today ? No -.- 11) Do you miss anyone now ? I miss my sectwo class D: 12) Any plans for tomorrow ? Morning go trng , thn go ahma house -.- 13) What was the reason behind the last time you cried ? Erm , poor results ? :xx 14) Is there anyone you want to be with now ? Hero Chu LiSha ! :} 15) Have you kissed anyone who's name starts with C ? No ? 16) Name someone who made you smile today, how ? Lisha ? We were laughing at some Cold Storage guy with a stupid ringtone . & a tms guy with th psp . LOL ! 17) Name a friend who's name starts with 'Z' . Zhenghao , Zhenzhi , Zhenhui , Zheming , Zhihao , Zhixuan . 18) Which of your friend stays closest to you ? Idk ? :/ 19) Do you prefer to call or to text ? Text ! But sometimes msg bao thn bobian :/ 20) Was yesterday better than today ? Yeah kinda , Today was th release of wht class am i going -.- 21) Can you live a day without tv and your phone ? Nah , but if got laptop , shld be can :} 22) Are you mad about anything now ? Neh :D 23) Do you ever think that relationships are really worth it ? Duh ! 24) Last person you visited in a hospital ? My ahma . 25) When is your last and second last hug ? Erm . I forgot . 26) What does the last text msg in your inbox says ? 'Aiyo whye i sae anytink u must counter de . pek chek man . hahaa . ' 27) How do you feel about your life now ? Sucks . 28) Do you hate anyone ? I don't think so ? 29) Last person you called ? CHUCHUCHULISHA ! :} 30) Who usually sent you the most texts in a mth ? Depends . It differs every month :} 31) Is your room messy now ? Kinda . Other thn my table ? I just packed . 32) Who will be mad if your room is messy ? My mother . 33) Your shortest relationship ? Erm 2 weeks ? 34) Who do you look like ? Face + skin colour , my dad . Height , my mum -.- 35) Tag } Lisha ! } Rachel ! } Chongyang ! } Bingshen ! } } Shimin ! } Ruth ! } Chongteng ! } :}
Date : Thursday, October 30, 2008 Slept like a pig ytd :x Thn today 11plus woke , see my phone , chuatio sial . a lot miss calls & smses . LOL . thn call cy , he say Bingshen want meet me -.- thn okay lohr . i met them abt 12 at whitesands , cos anws also meeting Fau & Tiara at tamp inter fr lunch at 1230 . So here is whr th boredom begins . LOL . Fau smsed me meet at 1 -.- Thn like still got so long siol . Somemore Bingshen & another dhunno wht name guy kinda anti social :x & cy started being horny . LOL . I dint know he so horny dehr siol . Bingshen buy strawberry milkshake . Thn cy say its my virgin blood , thn he finish drinking he tell me give him more -.- Thn got th tv t advertise th exercise thingy , like spread th legs apart thn close back . Thn cy say th pole behind thr cfm got a cock -.- eeyeeer . Fucker siol . Hahaha anws , slacked till 1240 thn go meet Tiara & Fau :} Thn saw shimin ! HAHAA . She buy applepie :] Thn waited fr Rachael , thn go trng ! hahaa :} trng nothing much lah , blah blah blah ~ At home on msn Lisha told me SHE say I SCOLD HER . WTF SIOL ? Since when i scold her ?! Chibye -.- Hahaha anws . yeah thn watch tv , & blah :}
❥ Byes Loves ! :}
Date : Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Date : Tuesday, October 28, 2008 S I A N . Trng was boring -.- Very boring . Do th same old thing . Lol . Anws yeah & blahed . & Alvin fell sick . RECOVER SOON ! :D Aft trng , Rachel , Rachael & Ruth went t meet Fauziah fr dinner , i went home :/ Thn i onlined , Hero send me pictures ! :D She last time edit never send me ! -.- Hahahah anws pictures down thr !
![]() ![]() YAY . We're in th museum ! :D Anws , i damn fucking pissed bodoh . I suspect this PERSON is th spammer in my tagboard . If i cfmed its you , i'm so gonna kick your balls bodoh . Jibai . Knn i also never offend you . ❥Byes Loves ! :D
Date : Monday, October 27, 2008 YOOOOOOOOOO :D Back frm Malaysia ! Tired bodoh , buahahhaha . anws nothing much t say , just post some pictures bah ! :x
![]() ![]()
Gary Chai Ze Xuan ! :D ![]() COUSINS :D Cute hor . Hotel room number ;D Malacca . So hot till my face red -.-
❥Byes Loves ! :D
Date : Friday, October 24, 2008 Solely fr 2E4'08-ers ;
We've gone through camps & lessons tgt , frm complaining abt each other , gossiping , scolding ppl who we find irritating , being prejudiced against one another , finding ppl a freak , & finding some others being not serious when its time t be serious , t loving each other & missing th class jokes . Frm complaining abt th boys' lameness , t loving their lame jokes & laughing with them now . There are conflicts & hatred against each other , but now its time t forget all of it , as we'd not have th chance t do everything tgt anymore , like we ever did . We all got into th same class on th first day of sec one , & every day of schl will be deeply etched in our hearts , going through exams tgt , & teasing Ms Wong and her retardness tgt . Now its all gone , forever . Deep in our hearts , we'll still rmb th inside jokes . I'll miss Jovian's TWO-DOLLARS , Yongyu's TakHalal & Jesus , Joohwee & Aqilah's random laughters , th phrase ' Eh Darren ' & Sparrow , Huijuan's ' Shark-Fish-Cow ' , & Chengwee's ' SILENCE ! Or i kill you ! ' , th ' Ms Wong Hot ! ' phrase & Afiq's centre parting jokes . Every single individual makes up 2E4 , & without anyone of you , 2E4 would not be th great class as it is/was . Now it's time t say goodbye .I'll miss you ppl , 2E4 will be loved & rmbed by me :D , & i'll forever be a 2E4-er . Thank you fr th memories :D & though we'll be separated , th bond in us will never die :D & Lastly , i'll never forget th day we said goodbye , our last goodbye . ![]()
2E4 Girls !
2E4'08 ! I LOVE YOU !
Chongyang came my house abt 5plus , thn we went t th airport t fetch our parents at abt 745 , yeah & they were really touched . lol . Anws , in taxi , me & mum sat behind , dad sit in front . Thn while we were talking mum discovered my second piercing :/ I thought she would be angry or pissed or whteva , but hell yeah , she wasnt . She calmly asked niah . Buahaha . Miracle sey :D I go watch tv alrd .
Date : Thursday, October 23, 2008 BOOOOOOO D: Last day of schl . Before recess , got IPP . I dint really do anything , other thn cutting th trash bags into half & fanning myself , & th ppl who are pasting th trash bags . LOL .Hahaha . During recess , Vanessa took my wallet run here run thr . wth . thn i chase thn a lot tables thr veh difficult t catch . thn like i finnaly catch dao tht time she still don't wanna gimme back -.- Thn i pull up her skirt , WAHAHAHAHAHA . funny siol ! But it wasn't on purpose , i dint know she did'nt wear shorts inside :x Thn she finally gimme back . zzz . Irritating . She still thinks its funny . I don't wanna be separated with my classmates D: It fun today cos everyone knows its th last day of schl . LOL . Took pictures w ppl . Especially w my classmates ): & We haven even got th yearbook . Idiot -.- Sad day , & throughout th whole day i was holding my phone & taking pictures w almost everyone . HAHAAHHA . Xinjing & Kiahui finally took their FIRST PICTURE W ME IN 2 YEARS ! (: yeah , & i hate parting scenes , i really do D: IPP Peek-tures ! LiQing In Action ! :D Faried ! Hahaa :D ChengWee In Action (: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` XINJING ! My first picture with her in 2 years ! (: Valuable picture ley . KIAHUI ! Also first picture ! (: buahahaha . But i think it's also gonna be th last ): AQILAH ! She chio lah hor :D HUIJUAN ! H2O (: CINDY ! (: JIAMIN ! Chiobu [: RUYING ! Kazhua (: YIJIA ! (: Chinese pro ! AFIQ ! Class joker :D CHEEHOE ! Pro drummer (: FAIZAL ! Teddypig / Bakchormee ! (: SYAFIQIN ! Class Chairman ! (: CHENGWEE (: Always makes th class laugh with his lame jokes :D Stupid Faizal put his hand thr -.- SAM ! It supposed t be a wtf face -.- But i think its cute ! (: Jiamin , Farhanie , Me ! (: |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.