Date : Friday, November 28, 2008 YOOOOOO :D today woke up at like 715 == cos trng's 9 - 12 . LOL . Idk i wake up so early fr wht . bleh . thn went trng , blahblah . & Shimin dint come trng cos she's sick D:
GET WELL SOOOOONNNN ! & Kelly's trng rocks can :] Thn aft trng go Tamp's ljs . dint eat , dint felt like eating . Pei-ed Kenneth go sports hall a while with Dexter . saw chongqi they all , they go lan , as usual -.- Thn Dexter sent me home :] Thanks fr sending me home . Thanks fr helping me carry my shoebaggggg & racket . Thanks fr pei-ing me though you're tired , ankle pain , arm pain , muscle tear . TTHHHAAANNKKKKSSSS :D
Date : Thursday, November 27, 2008 Got friendly with SJI today , thn meet in bus thn got chartered bus . Thn when going t schl at bedok mrt thr . i walked out of train thn saw rachel come , chua tio siah . i thot she in thailand :x thn met dexter , thn walk t schl . zz thn th security guard say cannot wear slipper go in . blah . thn we wait thr a while thn decided t just slip in our shoes lah . thn reach th meeting point liao thn change back t slippers . sianed . Thn go thr wait fr malik & zhenzhi -.- thn blahblah . bused t SJI , bleh th ppl thr so dao one . ma de . thn rachael play one singles she thot girl siah ! he got korean schlboy hairstyle . hahahah :x thn she won one lost one . dint play rubble . if play rubble she can win lorh . me & shimin played two doubles , lost :x bleh . thn aft everything th girls tongpanged malik's car . hahah he dhunno how drive properly derh lorh . Thn went tampmall wait fr th guys t arrive thn ate burger king . uber funny lah can . thn got one time fauziah say anything thn we all say ' SHUT UP CAN ' Thn aft a while when th guys say smth we also say ' SHUT UP CAN ' Damn funny lah . thn got one aunty sit beside us she come say ' actually its quite noisy hur ' Thn fauziah say damn loud ' OH REALLY UH ? OHHHH . ' hahahaha joker . Thn rachael disiao malik also . buahahah . at first he never kena trick one thn aft a while rachael randomly say ' eh malik tmr can don't go trng not ' Thn malik reply ' no , must go ! ' ahahah thn we all say ' SHUT UP CAN ! ' Super funny derh lorh ! bleh . thn went century square toilet cam whored a bit . thn trained home with rachel , blahblah . & next thursday got friendly against bowen == diao our team also like kns siah . thn today's match girls go also extra niah :/
Other pictures refer t shimin's blog ;D
Date : Wednesday, November 26, 2008 diao lah , ytd was damn fucked up can . say diao only also kena scolded . honggan lah . zzz . but got ppl pei me talk :D ty ! thn set alarm at like 1030 . but dint wake . bleh until my maid woke me up thn i wake :x at arnd 11 ? hahaha , thn brushteeth , change , tie hair , pack bag thn take racket & shoe go out liao . supposed t meet shimin at 12 at tamp . but i reached like 11.45 :x bleh thn went t kopitiam eat chicken rice :] Thn went t walk walk , thn call hofung :x cos shimin thot he worked at tampmall . thn he said he at FedEx == Diao . hahaah thn we go wait fr bus blah blah . thn went trng :]
bleh so little ppl derh . today was one of th most fun trng :] hahahaah . thn aft trng went ljs with shimin , dexter , rachael , fauziah & wenhao :D actually dexter dont wanna eat derh , zzz . i force him eat :] ytd dinner never eat till today derh dinner , how can siah . thn he buy also eat a bit niah == ma de . tmr th guys got friendly against sji . diao cfm lose face lah siah . thn rachael help dexter send th msg , omg :x Thn blaaaah . thn go home lerh :] sian always alone go home one . ma de . ahahah byebyes ! & you very keai ! :}
Date : Tuesday, November 25, 2008 QUIZ FRM JANA :D
15 people in your mind now: 1) Shimin 2) Lisha 3) Rachel 4) Qiwei 5) Dexter 6) Huijuan 7) Liqing 8) Yongyu 9) Rachael 10) Elida 11) Tiara 12) Joey 13) Zhenzhi 14) Ivan 15) Jiajun Have you ever hugged 1 ? ( Shimin ) yeah :] What's the best memories you have of 10 ? ( Elida ) Erm i'm not really close t her . Why are you friends with 9 ? ( Rachael ) Bdmnton ! :] When’s the next time you’re gonna see 6 ? ( Huijuan ) Erm class chalet ? or maybe a outing ? Tell something about number 15 . ( Jiajun ) CHEN BUFAN ! ahahah captain leong ? What do you like about 8 ? ( Yongyu ) He is funny & quite fun t talk to ? Is number 4 attractive ? ( Qiwei ) LOLL . T me , no . What was your first impression of 7 ? ( Liqing ) Cute :D How did you meet 3 ? ( Rachel ) Bdmnton trail :] last last year arnd dec bah ? Do you think 13 could kill someone ? ( Zhenzhi ) Diao maybe ? He would do anything fr sex/ porn -.- Is 11 your best friend ? ( Tiara ) nopes we're not even close :/ Have you ever kissed 5 ? ( Dexter ) LOLL . Siao ! Do you think 2 has a crush on you ? ( Lisha ) Of cos ! She's my hero bodoh ! :D What is the last thing you did with 1 ? ( Shimin ) Busing home aft chalet just now ! :] Have you ever hung out with 2 outside of school ? ( Lisha ) DUH ! Have you ever slept with 5 ? ( Dexter ) erm does sleeping in th same ROOM count ? Do you think 6 is sexy ? ( Huijuan )yeah :] Have you ever liked 7 ? ( Liqing ) Duh , i like her & i always will :} Where is the last place you went with 8 ? ( Yongyu ) Chengwee's house . Are you real close to 9 ? ( Rachael ) Hai hao lah . What kind of relationship do you have with 10 ? ( Elida ) She's my junior :] Would you ever kiss 11 ? ( Tiara ) omg i'm not a les ! Have you ever been to the movies with 12 ? ( Joey ) yeap :] Have you ever gotten in trouble with 13 ( Zhenzhi ) neh . Had you ever make a move on 14 ? ( Ivan ) Ewww no ! What do you and 15 talk about the most ? ( Jiajun ) erm abt aids . ahahah since he is bufan :x nah no lah i don't really talk t him . Okay here's another quiz by Jana ! Rules & regulations :-Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/ habits/ little know facts as well as state the rules clearly.At the end, you need to choose 10 names to be tagged & list their names.10 weird things / habits / little known facts of mine } Aiyoh i lazy do ~ Blehh :x
Date : Thn th next day ( 23rd nov ) went bdmnton chalet :D ahahahah very fun :} play a lot blackjack & blah . ahahah . supposed t bbq on first night but cos raining thn postponed t 2nd night . First day fun siah :] went och at arnd 3plus liddat , ahahah fun :] chunkiet & yuxuan said they heard water drops & footsteps behind them o.O thn aft tht zhenzhi wanna eat , thn went supper lorh . With chunkiet , yuxuan , wenhao & dexter . HAHAHAH SAW AHGUAS :X Thn Rachael ask Zhenzhi help her buy Heineken . Thn he damn stupid one lah .
Zhenzhi : Can i buy Heineken ? Cashier : Are you overage ? Zhenzhi : No . Thn me & Rachael was like . WAHLAN EH . really gou stupid siah ! omg == Thn in th end she go th coffeeshop buy . She kinda drunk :x Thn went back , th rest go sleep thn me & Dexter no place sleep . Thn ton lorh . Diao . Thn me & Dexter chap blackjack won 10 bucks :] tyty ! Thn 2nd day when kailiang bathing Rachael keep scaring him . HHHAHHA . Super funny lah . Anrd 6 plus me & shimin went airport , t send th ppl who going korea off . ahahaha thn watched last epi of BU FAN DE AI . blahblah . Thn tues morning went left chalet abt debrief , went chengwee house . bleh didnt really do anything . super tired lah . went thr dozed off :x Thn arnd 430 went homeeeeeee , blogged :]
Date : Saturday, November 22, 2008 YAY HELLO PPL I'M BACK FRM BDMNTON CAMMPPPP ! :D Hahhhaah camp is damn fun .
DayOne ! Reached schl , thn put our belongings at 3n2 classroom . blah blah , settled down alrd , thn went lunch ! & buy stuffs fr camp . like mop , tumbler blahblah . Thn aft tht , start trng liao . Buahhha thn got dance . Its super funny lah . Joohwee kept laughing :x & even Liling said th dance was lame . LOLL . Thn aft trng , went fr dinner . Omg . Everyone is so smelly lah . Thn carried th mattresses frm th pe room , thn bring t hall go wipe them with mama lemon & water , thn done liao bring go music room ;D Bleh , damn tired & sleepy . Ruth played piano siah . All jaychou song :x Thn slacked a while thn go down play water bomb . ahahha, damn fun ;D Zhenzhi kept losing th scissors paper stone lah , thn our group keep kena shoot by water bomb , ahahh . Thn arnd 9plus 10 plus finish , thn go bathe , thn play cards ! :] It rocks lahh . Thn very sleepy , go sleeeeeeep . DayTwo ! Woke up at 5.45 , got morning run . Bleh . Assembled at 6.30 , thn do stretching started jogginh t Bedok stadium . & it supposed t be a warm up run -.- Thn we supposed t run 8 rounds aroung stadium . 3.2 km uh i think ? & my stamina suck . Thn aft finish alrd go buy fishball noodle go back schl eat . :] Thn go 3n2 take racket , go trng :] Thn arnd 9 start trng , thn arnd 1230 dismissed fr lunch . Thn shimin derh abrasions very pain , so we dint go lunch . We went wash our dirty clothes thn went music room sleep :] Very sleepy siah , somemore got headache . Thn we enter th music room , wahkao damn smelly lah . Th guys aft trng chiong thr play blackjack -.- Thn aft tht got physical trng , like split into 5 groups thn race . Thn my group Ivan & Zhenzhi keep talking abt shitting lah -.- LOLLL . Today no teambonding , Thn aft bathing go music room play daidi :D Damn funny lah . Hofung & Alvin they all make us laugh like siao . Thn i forgot wht time we went t sleep . DayThree ! Woke up at 5.45 , got morning run . But before tht we needa do 60 jumping cos tuesday our timing late by 6 seconds . Thn we supposed t run 4 rounds around stadium ( 1.6km ) , x 2 sets . B girls must run 4 rounds within 7 minutes 30 seconds . Thn Shimin dint run cos her abrasions very pain . Thn aft th run she was disappointed with our attitudes , cos she said we dint push ourselves enough , gave th girls like a team talk . Th Rachael kinda cried . Thn when walking back like everybody so quiet . Trng started at 9 but we late so arnd 930 start . Yay it was Coach Kelly :] Hm thn did drills , but dint feel like eating . Thn me & shimin went t bathe , thn wash clothes hang clothes thn go music room rest . Trng resumed at like 1 . Thn train train train liao . Dismissed fr dinner , but most of us damn tired thn ask Justin help us dapao mac . Thn got team bonding . Its like everyone splitted into 3 groups thn must take chair . Thn th last person pass th last chair in front t thn pass till th first person thn must stretch far , thn get onto th first chair thn everyone must move forward , thn th first t reach th finishing line wins . But got one group is like mostly ex seniors & seniors lah , thn all guys . & they won . HAHAHA . Thn we played hide&seek . My group was th seeker . damn fun lah . thn we borrowed torchlight frm th ava ppl . We caught erm liansheng jiajun zhenzhi erm i cant rmb alr lah . aaha . zhenzhi is actually we never catch dao lorh , thn rachel randomly say ' i see you ! ' thn he zi ji come out . You say stupid bu stupid ? ahahah . DayFour ! No morning run , woke up at at 7 plus . Thn me & shimin went t dapao breakfast fr th girls . Thn reach schl go canteen eat , ask th girls come down eat also . Thn trng was like . not fr humans man . seriously . it was like circuit trng . 10 stations altogether . first station was smashing . like touch th T line thn go left base , thn touch again go right . thn keep doing fr 30 shuttles . Siao lah , i haven even touch th T line ck serve liao -.- Thn second station was net , tap , thn go another side net , tap . thn 3rd station , back hand thingy . dhunno how describe lah . i serious sucked at it . bleh . 4th station is drop & lift derh . thn 5th 6th 7th & 8th is footwork . 4 diff footworks lah . thn 9th & 10th station is agility . this is considered one round -.- we did 3 rounds . zzz . sian hor ? bleh . thn at night got team event , play till quite late bah . DayFive ! Got morning run ! jogged t bedok stadium thn did sprinting , did 10 sets of 50m , 5 sets 100m , 4 sets 200 m , 2 sets 400 m . Th rest i cant rmb alrd lah . thn at night celebrated jiajun a.k.a BUFAN & ivan derh bday ;D stupid process lah . damn crap bodoh ! DaySix . Wahlan they suddenly wake us up thn purposely before waking us up take our phones so tht we wont know th time lah . It was like mignight 3 plus . Thn we all needa go do service . thn if you serve 3 consecutive shots into th box thn can go back sleep . Diao siah . everybody like zombie liddat . LOL . Honggan siah . Thn Dexter was in their plan == Thn when we were doing th service thing he was sleeping in music room . ma de . ahaahah thn morning wake up thn debrief thn go home lerh . Diao i reach home straight away coma siol , frm like 1.10 - 7.45 :x HOFUNG A.K.A FANGDATONG ! :D Our messy belongings ! :} We Love Durian ;D Missed out Dexter's name :x |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.