Date : Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Went suntec ! :D Met Jiamin @ Tamp Mrt platform , thn trained t Cityhall , meet Liqing & Yongyu . Hahahah me & Jiamin say they got couple look . Hahaah .Thn Kiahui , Xinjing & Jana came at arnd 12 =='' Arcade-d . Thn bought movie tickets , Th Spirit . Stupid lorh , shld have watched Australia . Th show like so luan one . Thn most of th show dark dark one . bleah . Thn arcade arcade arcade =='' Thn went lunch @ Kopitiam . Bought fish soup . Thn when i was showing a picture frm my phone t Xinjing , thn she take , accidentally drop in her bowl of soup . Thn quickly take out thn take out everything , try dry them & blah . Thn still cannot work . & yeah , my phone die-d . But i think i'll be able t get a new phone :D yay . but fr th time being cannot sms lorh . Only @ home , cos don't wanna bring out th retarded phone . So i guess i'm happy & sad at th same time ? =='' Thn watch-ed movie . When walking in th cinema , thn haven sit down tht time th ppl behind us was like ' SHHHHH ! ' Like wtf =='' We're not even noisy can . Thn aft movie walk walk niah . Thn aft tht me , jiamin & yongyu go tamp mall , th rest went home . Thn ate dinner at ljs , thn jiu go home liao .
& i miss my phone :/
Date : Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Woke up , saw dad's sms . He said i left my wallet in his car . I was like wth =='' Thn he said later go schl gimme . Was waiting fr pig at bus stop . Thn dad say he reach schl liao . Thn rushed t schl . Pangseh-ed pig again , sorry ! Thn trng as usual . Thn aft tht went t tamp , met jiamin & yongyu . Saw aqilah & farah ! hahaa . Thn dexter want come . So waited fr him . Thn went buy Jana's bday prez . went century , jiamin wanted t play her favourite drum mania ! i cannot go in =='' cos i'm in pe . thn she went in with yongyu lorh . Thn aft tht went watsons , jiamin bought black hair dye . Thn around 6.30 went century food court eat dinner :D Aft tht jiu go home liao . Sian , schl's reopen-ing in two days time .
Date : 291208 ;
Went out with lisha hero , jana , zhenhui , chengwee , roger & zhenhui's friend . Met chengwee at pasir ris mrt , thn went tamp . Lisha missed bus , so she was late . Thn zhenhui came , thn chengwee pei him go buy lisha's xmas prez . Thn i go bus inter find hero :D Thn aft tht hongyang ( zhenhui's friend ) Thn walk walk . Thn decided t watch yesman , thn go buy tickets . Thn arcaded , saw this guy play para para , he play dao so niang siah . ahahah me & hero kept laughing at him . cos this guy play dance one also very funny . his backview looked like marshall :X Thn aft tht when jana came , she said she watched yesman alrd . so we go ask th person if can change show . ahahah so change t bedtime stories :D Thn aft tht went kfc . thn roger called & had a stupid conversation with him =='' Roger : Whr are you all ? Me : kfc . Roger : Huh ? Me : kfc ~ Roger : Huh tamp mall ?! Me : kfc lah ! K . F . C ! Roger : huh ? Me : Wahlao kfc lah ! Roger : OH ! Whr is kfc uh ? i forgot . Me : what th hell ! Roger : sorry lah , too long never go liao ! Me : You know where is mac ? Roger : yar . Me : you know mac th opposite ? Roger : yar . Me : go opposite , its th kfc , so you know alrd ? Roger : No . Me : WAHLAOOOO , aiyah we gonna finish soon , we go find you lah . * kups phone &Roger called again . Roger : you all still at kfc right ? Me : yeah . Roger : okay i rmb liao . i go find you all . Me : okay . lol . talking t him can faint siah . say kfc he also cannot hear =='' Thn aft tht went open plaza watch cartoon . ahaah . at first was tom & jerry . Th aft tht powerpuff girls =='' Thn slacked around , thn abt 1.50 went cinema thr , they buy popcorn & drinks . saw rachel they all . Thn went in cinema :D Hahahah th show not bad . Th guinea pig so cute :} Eye freaking big ! ![]()
Date : Sunday, December 28, 2008 Tagged by Jana :D
1.What kind of house do you live in ? Er , maisonette . 2.Do both your parents work ? yeap :D many sibling do you have ? 1 brother . 4.State all the mobile phone models each of your family members own. er , me & my bro's SE w910i , prnts is nokia ones . 5.Do you have another house overseas ? Nah . 6.Is your parents' total income above 10k . I dont think so ? 7.Do you own at least a pet ? Neh . 8.How many cars do your family own ? 1 . 9.What is the most number of computers you owned in a period of time ? 1 laptop . 10.Do you have at least 10k in your bank account ? Neh . Tag 10 ppl to do this quiz. I lazy tag ley :X
Date : Friday, December 26, 2008 Yesterday .
Merry Christmas ! Went xmas party at dua gu's house :D Eat eat talk talk play play , & we were getting bored . Thn we went playground . Saw 3 bitches . Me & shiyi were like gossiping abt them :X Thn play th swing like star gazing can . They were swinging & looking at th sky & laugh laugh laugh =='' Thn one of them with th Nikon camera . She take picture thn say th camera's not working =='' Lol . Thn they keep lying on whatever they can find & lie down . wth , they wanna help th banglah sweep th floor uh :X Bleah , thn aft tht th teenagers talked , at th park . Lol talking abt xiaxue , her nosejobs , & her photoshop-ed picts . LOL . ahahah . Thn 11plus exchange gifts , blah . Thn went home , slept like pig :X Ritz :D Be thankful i changed my present with you ! ahaha . Raffles :D Damn cute lah . Today . Went trng :D Reached early , like 8.40 ? Thn waited at busstop fr some pig . & he's still sleeping =='' my call woke him up i guess . Thn i waited till 8.59 , thn coach kelly walked pass . Thn he call me go trng :x Thn pangseh-ed th pig , sorry ! Trng was kinda fun , haha . Th next-year-sec-one girl was not bad :D Did multiples , thn played doubles . Supposed t partner Fauziah play against Dexter & Wenhao one , but thn Fauziah went toilet . Thn Rachael wanna play so become i partner Wenhao play against Dexter & Wenhao . Thn aft tht partnered Dexter play against Rachael & Wenhao . Sabo-ed derh :/ Thn aft trng went eat ljs . Took 28 , th bus ride was so long =='' i fell asleep . I think most of us did . We reach thr th guys alrd eat finish & they leaving liao . Except Justin , he was with us . Was damn hungry , i ate meat :X Thn thr was this fat bitch , when she came out of Kopitiam i look at her niah thn she keep staring at me =='' Stare all th way frm when she leaving Kopitiam until th Urban Concepts thr siah . Wtf . Think she fat jiu big fuck uh . Her staring stamina , POWERRR . & Th conversations between Rachael , Fauziah & Justin damn funny siol . Hahahah . Thn i eat finish thn wanna leave , cos i got concert . Thn Ruth left with me :D Blahblah , & home sweet homeeee :} Labels: I seriously hate it when th network jams and i can't successfully send a msg .
Date : Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Today morning wake up , wahlan so cold , machiam like in freezer liddat =='' Thn aft tht breakfast liao thn dad send me go schl . today was th sec one bdmnton trial , hahaha not bad . Got ppl who can play :D Thn aft tht played games . ahahah , played quite a lot bah . Partnered with ruth , shimin , fauziah & rachael . blahblah . Thn aft tht went airport with rachael shimin ruth fauziah wenhao & qiwei , go eat Popeye's . Thn aft tht went Mr Bean , ate Soya icecream ! Thn th girls were talking abt menses =='' Fauziah & Rachael make a lot jokes . ahahah :D Thn arnd 4 plus went homee :]
Thn th freaks out thr in pasir ris send so many merryxmas msges fr what =='' jam th network here niah . send one msg need press th retry button a lot times siah . zz . } MerryChristmas ppl ! &and Happy Advanced 8 Monthsary Alimama Hero ChuLisha ! <3
Date : Monday, December 22, 2008 Sunday , 21Dec .
Went Singapore Flyer =='' Lol . Kinda boring . But scenery nice lah :D Thn went visit great grandmother . She smoke damn fast =='' my mother go toilet come back she finish one stick liao . lol . thn my prnts keep asking her qns , ask her everything also she say ' mm zai ' lol . only when they ask ' le jia ba buey ' thn she know th ans . lol , ask her whats her name she also say ' mm zai ' ( she got stroke :X ) funny siah . Thn aft tht went ye ye house . slacked . Today :D Went schl fr friendly matchhhhhh :D Played against 3 doubles . Hai hao lah . But made a lot mistake =='' bleah . Thn aft friendly talk abt me & shimin th rotation , thn stretch , thn went home . sianed . &and yay lisha hero is backkkkkkk ! :D ♥
Date : Friday, December 19, 2008 Supposed t go trng today , but in th end dint . Prnts couldn't wake me up =='' Thn my dad said i said i dint wanna go . Lol i wasn't even awake yet lah ! :x Haven awake derh things i say not counted can . Thn woke up at arnd 11 . Thn went breakfast , vegetarian beehoon D: Thn went t buy my books . Went t th Pacifc Bookstores HQ . Diao they cannot find my box . lolll . Aft arnd 30 mins thn found dao . Thn went my cousin house pass him my sec one books . Blahblah . Chatted a while , thn went home .
Sianed .
Date : Thursday, December 18, 2008 Today went Mandai collect waigong's bones . Thn everyone need t like take one piece of bone & out on a red cloth . Thn blahblah . Thn headed t Wan Fo Lin , thn some of us put th bones , some put th coins . It damn scary can . Th person put th leg bones in th urn first . Thn use come metal thing t crush them . Th sound very loud somemore siol . Thn spinal cord , thn rib cage , thn hand bones , thn lastly th skull bone . Every piece of th bone needa crush , except fr th skull bone , just put on top of all th crushed bones . Thn did prayers , thn put th urn in th place . Idk wht is tht called :x Aft everything thn went lunch-ing . Its like th adults' table th food all served alrd thn our table like nothing . Thn th adults generally finished their food alrd thn my bro & cousin & uncle's food come . Hilarious ~ Thn went Waipo house , me & chongyang clean toilet . LOL . Thn they all outside ' Ni men liang ge zai li mian zhuo shen me uh ? ' wahkaooo =='' Thn clean th house blah . But some idiot went out t eat snake =='' Slacker lah , ppl all cleaning th house he follow my father go donate my waigong's dhunno wht t Geylang East Old Folks' home . zz . Thn took out waigongs stuffs & like some donate , some distribute t us , some just left thr bah . Thn his pens all distribute t us . I chose one black colour one & it turned out t be MontBlanc derh . Good taste hor :x Thn we were looking at th photos in th photo albums . Thn saw my baby photo :x I find myself veh cute ley . LOL . cute hor ? :x
Date : Today was his last journey . Gathered at th wake thr , thn pray , thn aft tht started t walk th distance . but walked a short distance only . Thn headed t Mandai . Did some chanting thr too . Thn we walk around th coffin . It was damn emo can . Thn around 2.50 , go th viewing place thr . Everyone was like sobbing & mourning , & seriously can hear th sound derh lah . Somemore we were saying th ' namo~amithapha thing ' It was emotional cos when he just passed away , we all chanted fr him like frm morning 7.50+ till 4pm . So it reminds us of tht . Mum was sobbing & saying ' paaaaaa !' Yi yi also . Its looking at someone you loved so much , burning into ashes & bones . Th feeling cant be described . You will experience it one day . I won't see him again , its was so sudden . His body deteoriated very terribly , & we all know tht he's gonna leave us soon , but when he left , you'll feel tht its sudden . & service hall 4 , I couldnt control my tears , even dad , behind me . He couldnt even say th namo~amithapha thing properly . & th chanting made us feel worse . & tmr we still have t go wan fo ling t collect his ashes . & we had t take one bone each & put in th urn . Seeing his coffin slowly enter th fire chamber , thinking of wht he did fr us . Everything he did , he thought of our feelings first .We like t eat soutao , he will take some of them frm his cakeshop back fr us . & apparantly th plastic bags too . Th ' liu zhuang ji ' plastic bag . We have loads at our house , waipo house & my unce & aunty's houses . Everything seems t remind me of his . When i eat lu dou gao , luku , icecream , kaya , laopo bing , & cny cookies tht he always sponsored us . They were th best cookies . Most delicious . He often delivered th kaya t us . He made th effort t help us order & buy th kaya , aft work , & even delivered it t our home . Can you imagine at th age of 76 , still working & doing so much fr us ? Even when he was going through his chemo , he was still working . From now on , one less person in my life , in our life . I still can't get over th fact tht i won't be seeing him again . Just one day i dint go t visit him , & he just left like tht . Tmr would be another day . I'll try my best , t stay strong .
& waigong's oldest brother , was being so childish . They had quite a number of disagreements , but afterall they're still brothers . He shouldn't even bear a single grudge . & he dint attend waigong's funeral . wtf right ? Out of 5 days , he dint even come once . One of waigong's younger brother , had some disagreement too , but he came . Everyday somemore . Wht's his problem lah . He alrd passed away , thn why is he still bearing grudges . Fr wht . He's so lame . Fornicater .l.
Date : Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Date : Monday, December 15, 2008 Today was another zhuo boh day . All we did as serving th ppl with peanuts & drinks , talking t ppl & going through ceremonies . Everyone was sentimental during th ceremony , especially when we walked around th coffin . Mum was apparently very heartbroken frm wht i can see , but she faked a strong front . Waipo , too . But she dint tear as much , i guess .
I wanted t like console mum , but idk how . Idk how t start , & whr t start . All i can do is pat her shoulder & offer her tissue paper ? Waigong's wake is a very crowded one . No matter wht time isit , thr will be at least 5 or 6 tables filled with ppl . Well , he is a kind man , & well rmbed . During th ceremony , th memories of waigong flashed in my mind , i'm serious . Looking at his house , his slippers , his denture , his toothbrush , his wheelchair , his spectacles , his handphone , his watch , his bed , his clothes , his favourite chair t sit on when watching television , & how he salutes . I'll miss it . I guess i shall stop here , shall not elaborate much . Happy Bday Benz ! Last long with Yunhua :X
Date : Sunday, December 14, 2008 Tagged by Jana :D
A. Tag 8 people to do this quiz. Those that are tagged cannot refuse. B. Continue this game by tagging 8 other people. 1. Person 1 . 2. Person 2 . 3. Person 3 . 4. Person 4 . 5. Person 5 . 6. Person 6 . 7. Person 7 . 8. Person 8 . 1. What have you been doing recently ? Er , attending my grandfather's funeral ? 2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off ? yeah , when th volume button isn't working . 3. What happened at 10am today ? Checked my phone , saw my mum's msg , she told me my grandfather passed away . 4. When did you last cry ? This morning . 5. Believe in fate/destiny ? I guess . 6. What do you need in your life now ? My cute lil bastard . 7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood ? None of th abv . 8. What's your favourite thing to do on the bed ? Daydream , sms , sleep ? 9. What bottoms are you wearing now ? Black shorts . 10. What's the nicest things in your inbox ? Th nice stuffs are all saved in ' saved msges ' ;D 11. Do you tend to make the relationship complicated ? no =='' who does . 12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone ? Nah . 13. What was the last movie you caught ? Th Day Th Earth Stood Still . 14. What are you proud of ? My grandfather . 15. What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say ? Dexter : ' Lol . She jealous si bo ? =='' ' 16. What was the last song you sang out loud ? 给我一首歌的时间 17. Do you have any nicknames ? duh . metal mouth , black metal , xiaohei , yunyun , jiajialiangteh , er i cant rmb ;x 18. What does the newest text say ? Dexter : ' No lah . I where will forget you ! ' 19. What time did you go to bed last night ? Er . 1 plus i guess . 20. Are you currently happy ? If i am , i won't be a human . 21. Who gives you the best advise ? My alimama hero chu lisha :D 22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can ? No ? Tht's so gross . 23. Who did you talk on the phone last night ? Chengwee . 24. Is something bugging you now ? uhhuh . How t kai kou t tell him . 25. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Fauziah & her crappp , ytd . Rachel & shimin also lah ;D
Date : It started when he got lung cancer , going fr chemo , radio , eating medicines & stuffs . Day by day , he started t grow weaker , & thinner . He keep telling us he's fine & he feels comfortable , though obviously he isnt . He couldn't hang on any longer , his body stopped functioning . Well , blessing in disguise i guess . At least it ended his sufferings & pain , going through th therapy . I really wanna console my waipo . She has tubes sticking out of her body , which we have t change it fr her everyday . I just hope she stays strong & continue her life positively .
Lastly , i wanna thank my friends who were thr fr me , consoling me & stuffs . I'm fine , really . 7.45 , 13 Dec 08 . He left . Th one who took care of me when i was young . Th one who supported me during my time in th hospital . Th one who held on , when he knew he'll be leaving soon . Th one who bore all pain & agony by himself, not wanting t trouble us , t save us frm all worries . Th one who always ask abt me whn i dint visit him . Th one who was th best husband , best dad , best father-in-law , best grand father , best uncle , best everything . Th one who asked abt me even during th last hours of his life . He drew his last breath , & left . He left us , & left me . I'm sorry i wasn't thr ytd . Instead i was out having fun with my friends . Sorry . Waigong , we will always rmb you . Rest in peace . Happy Bday Shimin ! Sorry i cant post it big :x
Date : Saturday, December 13, 2008 Bastard , I miss you .
Date : Friday, December 12, 2008 Went fr friendly today , played like shit . Really shit lorh . sian . Lost t Nanhua bah . Thn aft tht went eat with Rachel & , Fauziah & Qiwei . LJS-ed . hahaha . Thn later slacked , decided t watch movie ;D Went t check t movie time , thn went home bathed , changed , blah . Left home arnd 3.50 go meet Fauziah & Rachel at tamp mrt . Bought tickets , saw weiqin . ahahaha , still as short :x Thn watched ' Th day th Earth stood still ' kinda nice show ;D Thn aft th movie , met shimin fr dinner . She eating at home so she ate dessert ;D Thn me Rachel & Fauziah ate chicken rice at Food Culture . Aft tht walked arnd TampMall & CentureSquare cos Fauziah wanna buy tees . Hahahaha . Thn went Whitesands take neoprint :D Thn went More Than Words , they wanna buy present fr shimin :D blahblah , thn went hommeeee :D
Date : Thursday, December 11, 2008 Lalalalalala yay i'm back ! :D Genting was damn damn damn damn damn damn damn funnnnn ! :D But my lips very pain , cos of th weather ==''
DayOne . Met cousins & family at their house , at like 0545 . Thn on th way , watched some George & th jungle show . lol . ahahahha . Kinda lame , so i coma-ed fr like 3 hours plus . On th way thr nothing much lah , thn blahblahhh . Reached Highlands Hotel at arnd 1.30 bah ? Damn freaking cold siol ! Its has never been so cold befoe lah , 17.8 degrees =='' Ma de , thn th person staying at our room previously haven checked out , thn we needa wait till like 3 . wtf =='' thn nothing t do , so me , my bro & cousins go th lan thr . I go thr feel damn noob derh can ;x Thn aft lan-ing , went settle our bags all tht , thn went Mushroom Farm ;D i miss it lah ;D & th food was like , deliciouussss . Especially th mushrooms & vegs . omg i feel so vegetarian :x LOLL . Thn went with weishan aunty & cassandra go first world hotel , go walk walk . was hoping tht thr would be some shops fr us t shop . But like nothing one =='' less thn 1hour go back liao . On th was saw Baskin Robbins :DD Thn bought a cherry good cheesecake flavoured icecream conee ;D Thn aft tht just go back hotel , watch tv , crap with cousins & save energy fr tuesdayyy ! :DD DayTwo. Woke up at arnd , 8 plus ? thn went went t 好友记 eat timsum :D yummmyyyy :D Thn went theme park ! ahahah buy two family package , they consider me as a child =='' child = 12 & below . zz , cheaper :x ahahah . whatever , thn we started with spinner :D Cassandra was scared , thn aft th ride , she came down & cried :xx thn , queued fr th rides , blah . sat cyclone , corkscrew , spinner , flying coaster , pirate ship , go kart , spaceshot . Dint sit much this time round , all queue so long one . wahlan . thn play dao 9.58 , chiong my last ride , spaceshotttttt :D Th best siol ! hahaha :D Thn aft tht went indoors , go play indoor theme parkk ! sat th euro express , cassandra's favourite . ahahahah . thn blahblah . Thn when queuing fr th bumper car got this retard guy . Serious , he had down syndrome okay . He like , asked everyone t let him cut queue , wtf . Thn he played 3 times in th time we spent queuing t play one time =='' thn th euro express also . He sat at th first cabin , ahahahah thn behind him all nobody . HAHAAA . Super hilarious . Thn aft indoor themepark close liao , we go back hotel , everyone peng alrd , change clothes jiu coma liao . DayThree. Woke up at 11 :x Thn Uncle Joe bought pizza fr us as brunch . Adults went casino , thn blah . We waited fr them t come back , thn went arcade ! Aft tht sat cable car :D Thn came back , watched BOLLLTTTTT :D Super duper uber cuttee derh can ! Thn went dinner at Mushroom Farm again . Ordered different dishes , got this fish we ordered . Its like huger thn huge lah . LOLL . thn aft tht , went lan again . Cousins ask me play dota with them . AHAHA i'm like a retardednoob in tht , even noober thn anyone can expect x.x Thn i dont wanna play liao :x kinda sian , thn went back hotel room , watched some joker cantonese show . though i dont understand :x watched till arnd 1plus , buay dong alrd . thn went sleeeeeeep . DayFour . Woke up 8 plus , aft breakfast , thn prepared t go back sg liaoo . sian D: ohyeah , on monday wed & today also rain . ahaha damn heng , on th day we went themepark , never rain ! muahahhaa :D blahblah , watched ' th day aft tmr ' in car , zhun zhun at m'sia custom end show . ahaha . thn 4plus , home sweet homeee :D PICTURESSSS :D BaskinRobbins ! :D Breakfast :D & yes , they are twins :D Th light damn chio hor ? :D I'm only 135 cm :/ Spaceshottttt ! :D
Mr . Clown ! :D Strawberry Cheesecake icecream :D On th corkscrew ;D My cousin was saying his cock got screwed :x I drove PECKLESSLY :x |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.