Date : Saturday, April 25, 2009 HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JOOHWEE BOYF! :D [22April.]
Yesterday, aft schl met Baby, Rachael, Fauziah, Dylan, Marcus, Sherman. Waited fr B finish his History hw -.- Bleah. Thn went his house, he changed clothes. Thn Rachael eat sweet like got liquid liquid der. Thn go shoot at Sherman :X lmao. & his attitude sucks balls. zzz, fr no reason push Baby, scold me, shout at Rachael all tht. wtf siah. Anws aft tht went Tamp1, Dylan play Guitar Hero. umm thn shortly aft, Rachael Fauziah Sherman went home. Thn aft tht cos i was hunting fr Brian Erzi's present, went tampmall. Went Toysrus walk walk, thn arcade. Watched Ahfan para one round. ahaha, funny siah. Got 3 girls watching him when he inserted coins/scan card. Thn thy like kinda looked down on him, thot he dont know how play. But when he started they were like omg O.O & one of them der jaws like literally dropped ._. Bleah. Dylan said he needa eat dinner before he gets home. So went Yoshinoya :} Saw one guy his angong nice can! omg. Proceeded home, took train. Dylan went TanahMerah we went PasirRis. Baby pei me home, thn at th junction. Dad's car pass by. Wtf siah. But reach home thy never say anything. PHEW. Lucky thy only saw one time ._. sibei sian. & Baby. stop saying sorry, its not your fault :/ Smth happened to Lisha hero, bleah so suay. Cheerup alrights, idk how console ppl, sorry ._. Today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN ERZI! :D ; & HAPPY 11 MONTHSARY LISHA HERO :} Morning wake, lie on bed sms-ing & hear song. Thn slacked till lunch time, went fr lunch with family. Aft tht 5 plus went Serangoon Swimming Complex. & wtf, i saw Reuben Wong! :/ Paiseh siah! ._. Ewwwwwwk :x & Its super qiao. I rarely go there, he rarely pei his didi go there, thn we met. Hahaha. Swim a while, thn went dinner. Stupid. We enter this place, when ordering thn circuit trip. Thn th staff tell us thy cant on th gas. Thn we went next door. Rofl :X ♥
Date : Monday, April 20, 2009 Lessons were kinda fast today. Sabrinah & Amalina were bitchy during lit :] Dion was kinda nice, compared to previously. Biology was fun. Soon it was after schl. Went whitesands mac with Rachael, Rachel, Fauziah, Phyllis, Dexter, Dylan, Sherman, Wenhao, Martin. Studied a lil. Thn went Pasir ris town park! :D
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Date : Sunday, April 19, 2009 17April09.
Happy Birthday Marisa Namdeeeeeeeeee :D 18April09. Woke at 8, met Rachael, Sherman & Baby @ Tamp inter mac at 9. Reached schl at arnd 11. & th stupid sun was freaking hottttttt :/ Assembled under th scorching hot sun fr a few mins, thn dismissed. Went opposite block with Rachael with Baby & co. Thy playing daidi lmao. Blahblah. Aft carnival day went tamp mall with Baby, Rachael, Fauziah, Phyllis, Yarnu & Dylan. Proceeded to block 800 plus, slack around. Slacked at playground until 6 plus. Thn went dinner with Rachael, th rest went home / meet friend :} End of ytd :D 19April09. HAPPY 4TH MONTHSARY BABY! ♥ Morning had tuition, did bio notes. 8 pages o.o thn went aunty's house. lmao, stupid brother. Use their desktop, go my blog -.- smlj siah. Purposely want adults to see isit -'- bleah :D shall blog abt th rest later on :} ♥
Date : Tuesday, April 14, 2009 09April09.
Happy Birthday Huijuan! :} 10April09. Good Friday! :D Morning had tuition, thn aft tht went home, thn train-ed down to tamp meet baby. Thn met dylan & sherman too. Actually Rachel coming also, but fr some reasons, she decided not to. Thn Rachael, prnts dont allow ._. Dylan & sherman went pierce ear! Lmao. Hahah, thn dylan now both easr also got piercings -.- Bought tickets fr movie, decided to watch 'Knowing' Thy bought Nachos, Popcorn & Coke. Thn suddenly Rachael can come alrd! Waited fr her, until 420. Chiong-ed in, cos alrd late, movie starts at 4 :X Rach arrived, thn cos she saw ahfan, thn waited fr him. Th 4 of us went in first ._. Sat first row lmao :/ Thn Rach entered wrong cinema. Dylan & Sherman keep laughing at her, make me laugh =='' Sadist show, predict on what day how many ppl die. Thn i say ' Gosh' Thn dylan keep imitating -.- Aiyoh. & Sherman Chua. Throw popcorn at me. Bleah. Aft show Rachel met us. Thn slacked, went home arnd 10. 11April09. HappyBirthday Ruying! :D 13April09. Ordinary day, but kinda sucks. Lessons are a bore. Homework sucks. & my headache's a bitch. Wht's worse, baby's got a sore eye o.o Today dint come schl. Suppose meet him aft schl, but smth happened to his dad's condition :/ Pon-ed english enrichment, met th girls. Nothing much, went home. 14April09. Schl's fine. Baby's eye's kinda better. He went schl today. Rachael didnt come schl today, got eye infection :/ Get well soon! Super duper uber sleepy in class. Pe's kinda lame. Did Napfa, sit&reach & sit-ups. Mother Tongue lesson, went comp lab ^^ At lab, aft finish work, Cherly & Esther, haiyo. so kaypo one. Keep finding my blog. Thn walk pass 2E1 only, ' who's he who's he? ' Hahah. Aft schl got maths remedial. Mr Sng keep linking me with Dion -.- Stupid Ryan, anyhow jiaowei. Kinda had a horny talk with Azhar, Tiara & Felicia during remedial :x Talked abt pepeks, orgasm, porn & stuffs o.o Azhar asked if we would do a blowjob fr our boyfs -.- Me & Tiara was like ' WHAT?' *Jaw opened* Roflmaos. Whtever. Went trng late, go trng run 10 rounds, thn play games thts all. Aft tht, dinner-ed, went home. Hais nowadays, ppl getting so sad & emotional :/ Bleah fuck th headache mansxz. Bye. Pffft, i love my baby k! ♥
Date : Tuesday, April 07, 2009 06April09.
Yesterday morning Ahsiao meet me downstairs my block! :D Gandong sial. Bleah, thn go meet Rachael Rachel Fauziah Wenhao & Qiwei @ Tamp Inter. Bus-ed to schl. Thn lessons! :] Diao, MrJohn sucks. Only know how to aim me. Force me wipe off th so-called 'vandalisms' on my desk. Wth siah, everybody also got draw on table right. Thn only say me -.- Simi lanjiao. Bleah, thn aft schl got english enrichment. Lmao, stupid angmor. Talk so kuazhang one. Somemore everyone must say a speech. Rofl, so lame. Thn aft enrichment, met Jiamin Girlf, Joohwee Boyf & Rachael Wifey. Went LongJohn Silvers, bitch-ed abt her. LMAO. Thn kinda talked abt HER( Another her), Th main cause of our misunderstandings & stuff. @ Tamp inter there zhun zhun saw her, thn straight away ask her come. Thn we asked her questions. She say until like she so good liddat. diao, make until i thot Ahsiao pengwei. Thn chatted with her quite a lot. zzz, keep saying want us last long cos its difficult to last, thn wht dont want cos of her thn we quarrel all tht. Diao, fuck you. Now i know you're a hypocrite. Ytd i still thot you were nice & stuff. I realise i was wrong. You're such a pretender. Lmao, Mr Syafiq ask me ' are you with Dexter ? ' Thn ask him ' Are you with my student? ' Funny siah. Bleah. Ohyar, & Tpss Band got gold! Th only schl which got gold in eastzone siah. Hahahah. Congrats! :} 07Aprilo9. Met Ahsiao @ Mrt. Wanted clarify things with him ders. Thn meet him liao never clarify :/ Shuo bu chu kou siah. Bleah, saw Martin & Nicholas in th morning! Lmao, randomly. Reached schl kinda early i guess. Thn Ahsiao help me take racket & shoebag yay :] Thn english. Cher give comprehension to do ma. Thn i kinda no mood thn do compre whike th rest talking. Thn Mr Syafiq say ' You got good influence from Dexter tht's why you do your work right! ' Thn i reply ' Where got! He bad influence lorh, never do work one. ' HAHAHA. & i told Adawiyah she looked like a poodle :x Thn Weesiang say ' Eh Adawiyah, your hair reminds me of pubic hair ' Thn Adawiyah was like ' CHERRRRRR. He said my hair looked like pubic hair! ' Thn Mr Syafiq wanted say ' Dont make fun of ppl's hair ohkay! ' But he said ' Dont make fun of ppl's pubic ohkay! ' ROFLMAOS. Laugh dao peng luh. Thn pe, tell MrJohn i stomach pain. Thn he ask me if got mc. I say no, thn he say ' Thn you shld be able to continue wht' . Lmao, crazy uh. Stomachache got ppl take mc one meh. Thn in th end. Just sit there lors. Bleah. Thn idk wht happen liao luhs. HAHAHAHAHA. IHATEYOUUUU. Your mother father die bodoh, & your chibye pua. Purposely want sow discord only luh hor. Jealous har? Aiyah, just fuck off. ♥
Date : Saturday, April 04, 2009 Quiz tagged by Jana & Lisha ! 01. List 10 people whom you want to do this quiz .Nobody , my blog cant copy -.- 02. Your name . Tan Yunjia :D 03. Your Age . 14 going on 15 . 04. Attached / Single ? Attached ! 05. Five of your closest friends . Quite a lot leh :/ 06. Your 2 favourite colours . Red , white ? 07. Storybook / Comic ? I dont really read -.- 08. Do you have a crush ? Nopes . If i said yes , ahsiao would fuck me upside down O: 09. Has an unknown person asked you for your number before ? umm ya . 10. If yes, did you give your number to the person who asked ? Depends on who . 11. Name 2 girl - friends that you are close to . Quite a lot . 12. Name 2 guy friends that you are close to . i dont know . 13. Do you play online games ? Nopes . 14. Do you play Maple Story ? No , used to in primary schl :X 15. Do you play Audition ? Nopes . 16. Favourite numbers ? Favourite alphabets ? 13 , & J . 17. Hotmail url ? 18. Would you rather go out with your stead or your friends ? ummmm , all come tgt can ? 19. Do you trust your stead ? Obviously . 20. Money or friends ? Friends :D 21. Stead or friends ? umm , stead & friends . 22. Anime or drama ? Drama ! 23. Best girl - friend ? Dont know who's closest to me :/ 24. Best guy friend ? Dexter Chin Ahsiao :] Quiz 2 . [ ] Gotten detention. [x] Gotten your phone taken away in class. [ ] Gotten suspended. [ ] Gotten caught chewing gum. [x] Gotten caught cheating on test. Total : 2 [x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times. [x] Didn't do homework over 5 times. [x] Turned at least 3 projects in late. [x] Missed school cause you feel like it. [ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class. Total : 4 [x] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school. [x] Texted people during class. [x] Passed notes. [x] Threw things across the room. [x] Laughed at the teacher. Total : 5 [ ] Pulled down the Fire Alarm. [x] Went on Myspace, Facebook etc. on the computer at school. [x] Took pictures during school hours. [x] Called someone during school hours. [x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc. during class. Total : 4 [ ] Threw something at the teacher. [x] Went outside the class without permission. [x] Broke the dress code. [x] Failed a class test. [x] Ate food during class. Total : 4 [x] Gotten a call from school. [ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly. [x] Didn't take your stuff to school. [x] Gotten a detention and didn't go. [x]Stuck up your middle finger at teacher when they were not looking. [x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear. Total : 5 [x] Faked yourparents signature . [x] Slept in class . [x] Cursed at a teacher to their face. [x] Copied homework. Total : 4
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL LUM ! :D Woke up @ 9plus , sibei sian . First thing in th morning , checked msg , saw Baby's msg , cheered up a little :D Went tuition & suffered fr 3hours plus plus . Went Ehub meet Liling , Jiamin Girlf & Johwee Boyf ! me & Jiamin wear couple tee siah ! :D Sorry Hero dint go your house :/ Ate Superdog fr lunch , omgosh . Its damn super nice lah ! Delicious :} Finished @ arnd 230 ? Thn to Kbox ! :D At first Liling & Joohwee hyper-ly choosing songs . Thn aft a while become me & Jiamin :X Thy sing arnd 5 songs ? Thn become me & Jiamin sing :/ Lmao , seriously sing a lot today :X Hahaha , but , it was super cold luh can ! Liling & Joohwee were damn high . Hahas , actually me & Jiamin also , but only at times :X We all ordered green apple drink . Thn cos we all ordered nuggets , thn like a lot siah . Lmao , spam der luhs ! & th chips , omg , nice :} Bleah . Joohwee wanna join campus ! She sing so nice , go join campus th rest cfm tio own lorh . JYJY GO JOIN CAMPUS SUPERSTAR ! You join i vote 100 siah :x ahah , long time never hang out with them :/ Hahs , we shld hang out tgt more often ! Kboxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :} ♥
Date : Thursday 02April09 .
Aft schl , Rachael go scold this dog . Yanyan , Howying , Jiamin & Liling helped her ! Lisha want go see show , hahs . Thn we go there extra extra :X Only know how say ' I WHERE GOT STARE YOU ALL ' Thn eye open fucking big like this --> O.O She replied ' My face is liddat one ma ' wtf , dont know how smile isit . Blog still put , ' not gonna get affected by you so shoooos ' =='' Handwriting so fugly still dare take picture let ppl see , loser siah . Friday 03April09 . Ytd aft schl , met Lisha Hero , Jana , Brian Erzi & Hongyang . Bus-ed to Maris Stella meet him , thn went Sing Post go eat Kfc , thn saw my cousin LOL ! Idiot , keep saying i retard -.- Whatever , train-ed to Pasir ris , bring jana go pierce ear ! Finally :D Bus-ed to Ehub , actually wanted watch movie ders , thn me , jana & hy no mood to watch . So Lisha & Brian went watch lo , thn we slacked at top floor , took pictures ! :D Thn went toilet with hero , thn we wanted take picture so use her phone thn put timer . Thn some bimbos from SAC , thy were like ' Eh do you hear tht ? It sounds like a bomb ! ' LOL , me & hero was like laughing hysterically luh . Hero bastard siah , she run out of toilet thn say ' OMG THERE'S A BOMBBBB ! ' HAHAHA . Diao , like seriously , who will place a bomb in th toilet -.- Explode only will see shit flying arnd . Shortly aft , Jana's boyf Lim Xiangguang came . & i felt so extra D: Aft their movie ended , Lisha needa go home , thn Brian pei-ed her . Thn we went park & i seriously felt damn extra tht i just wanted to teleport to somewhere else . But cant pangseh hy rights ? & while on th swing , i missed him D: OHYARRR . We saw Yongyu & Liqing @ Ehub ! Sweet siah :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 5 , ![]() ♥ |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.