Date : Saturday, May 30, 2009 Tagged by Jana construction worker sun-nu! :D
1. Real name: Tan Yunjia. 2. Nickname: A lot. 3. Star sign: Cancer. 4. Male or female: Female. 5. Primary school: Coral Primary. 6. Secondary school: Tampines Secondary. 7. JC/POLY: Not yet. 8. Hair color: Black? 9. Long or short: Heh? 10. Loud or Quiet: Sometimes both ;x 11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans. 12. Phone or camera: Phone. 13. Health freak: Umm sometimes :/ 14. Drink or smoke: Drink. 15. Do you have a crush on someone: No. 16. Eat or drink: Drink. 17. Piercings: 6. 18. Tattoos: Nopes. Have You Ever; 19. Been in an airplane: Yes. 20 . Been in a relationship: Yeah. 21 . Been in a car accident: Lorry got bah ;x 22 . Been in a fist fight: Brother -.- First; 23. First piercing: Ears. 24. First best friend: Not sure. 25. First award: Umm, can't rmb. 26. First Crush: Primary schl bahs? 27. First Vacation: Can't rmb. Last; 28. Last person you talked to: Brother. 29. Last person you texted to: Jingwei. 30. Last person(s) you watched a movie with: Jiamin Girlfriend. 32. Last food you ate: Toblerone. 33. Last movie you watched: Angels and Demons. 34. Last song you listened to: My life would suck without you. 35. Last thing you bought: Umm, Tshirt. 36. Last person you hugged: Can't rmb? Favourites; 37. Food: Many. 38. Drinks: Greentea :D 39. Clothing: Tshirts, shorts, tanks. 40. Books: No idea :/ 41. Song: Nice jiu can alr! 42. Flower: Don't know. 43. Colors: Red, green, purple, blue, black, white, grey o.o 44. Movies: Loads. 45. Phrase: Lots. 46. Subjects: Not sure. Done any before: 47. Kissed in the snow: Nope . 48. Celebrated Halloween: Nyeh. 49. Had your heart broken: Yes, 4 days ago ._. 50. Went over the minutes on your cell phone: Yeah. 51. Someone questioned your sexual orientation: No?! 52. Came out of the closets: Aft hide and seek ;x 53. Gotten pregnant: No. 54. Had an abortion: Not pregnant how to abort! ;x 55. Done something you've regretted: Yeah. 56. Broke a promise: Kind of D: 57. Hid a secret: yeah. 58. Pretended to be happy: yeap. 59. Met someone who changed your life: Yes. 60. Pretended to be sick: Yes ;x 61. Left the country: yup. 62. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: Yeah :} 63. Cried over the silliest thing: yeah D: 64. Ran a mile : Uhhuh. 65. Went to the beach with your best friend(s): Guess so. 66. Stay single the whole year: yeah. Currently; 67. Eating: Nothing. 68. Drinking: Nothing. 69. I'm about to: Tear. 70. Listening to: Music from my computer and my mother nagging at my brother ;x 71. Plans for tomorrow: Family outing. Again ._. 72. Waiting for: Don't know ;x 73. Want kids: Never thought of tht! 74. Want to get married: See how :/ 75. Careers in mind: Don't know. 76(Pt1). Which is better than Girl/Boy: Huh? 76(Pt2). Lips or eyes: Eyes. 77. Shorter or taller: Shorter D: 78. Romantic or spontaneous: Both can? 79. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both! 80. Sensitive or loud: Loud bahs. 81. Hook-up or relationship: None D: 82. Trouble-maker or hesistant: Trouble-maker ;x Have you ever; 83. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope. 84. Ran away from home: nyeh. 85. Hold a gun or knife for self defense: No. 86. Killed somebody: Nah. 87. Broken someone's heart: Not sure. 88. Been arrested: No. 89. Cried when someone died: Yes. Do you believe in; 90. yourself: Depends. 91. Miracles: Yeap. 92. Love at first sight: Not really. 93. Heaven: Nopes. 94. Santa Claus: No. 95. Sex on the first fate: Nopes. 96. Kiss on the first date: Meiyou. 97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yeah. But it won't happen. 98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: NO. 100. This is the 100th and last question: Now tag 10 people to do this: 1. You. 2. You. 3. You. 4. You. 5. You. 6. You. 7. You. 8. You. 9. You. 10. You.
Date : Happy birthday Jiawei Ahdi! :D
Went shopping today. Thn went Expo. Lmao, aft shopping, very very tired :/ Bought clothes though :] Lazy to elaborate. Byee :D
Date : Friday, May 29, 2009 Reuben's ahkor's dedication! :D Say Yes. It’s like I’m drawn closer to you. Every time I see your face, it’s like my heart’s exploding. But the moment you look away, my heart can’t stop bleeding. If only you knew, how my heart feels. And I’d do anything; yes anything to prove my love for you. Oh yes I will. I can’t escape from this love. And there’s no one else in my mind but you. I want you to love me but I think that you won’t because I never had much luck with love so here I stand, against the wind hoping for a miracle and wishing that you’ll say yes. But if I ever let her know would she ever turn away or would she stare me down and say that she never wants to see me again. So I’m praying that she’ll say yes. I can’t escape from this love. And there’s no one else in my mind but you. I want you to love me but I think that you won’t Cause I never had much luck with love and time won’t stop, while waiting for you i'm losing every hope I had so could you just please say yes. I can’t run away from this love. And there’s no one else in my mind but you. I want you to love me but I think that you won’t because I never had much luck with love And here i am lying on my bed shedding these tears in my eyes and just waiting for you to say yes. Oh could you just please say yes. _____________________ Written in dedication to TanYunJia meimei and another certain someone. cheer up soon kay mei? (Copied from his blog!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jiawei's ahdi's dedication! :D I got ur back u got mine I will help u out anytime. to see u hurt to see u cry, makes me weep and wanna die. and if u agree to never fight, it wouldnt matter who is wrong or right, if a broken heart needs a mend, i will be right there to th end. if ur cheeks are wet frm drops of tears, dun u worry, let go of u fears. hand in hand love is sent, we will be jie and di till th end.=D nw u are sad,i am here to try and make u feel better. wish u read this and after tht,will be happy forever. i wnt to see ur smile on ur face. wish u get over tht faster. (Copied from his blog!)
Date : Supposedly arranged to go daqiu at 1-2 at sports hall ders. Thn on msn, Alvin say he going at 12 cos he at home very bored. zz, scam me and Shimin only! So left house earlier lor. Hahaa, keep disiao-ing Daniel Gan. Every shot he missed or any mistake he made. We jiu keep 'DANIEEELLLLL!' Hahaha. Joke siah. Played doubles with them, rotated partners. Haas, fun fun v^^ Umm thn aft tht C div got trng at 2. Thn when Malik came, we go take 10 bucks from him thn we go buy bubbletea! :D Hahaha. Ohyar, and Shimin told me smth unbelievable. I really can't believe he said tht siah :O Aft tht arnd 230, thn me and Shimin went toilet bathe. TOGETHER ;D Joking only! ;x Finished bathing alr thn went back take our stuffs, thn bus-ed 67 to schl! Gave Jiawei Ahdi his present :] Boarded bus at 420 plus plus. Quite a long journey, headache and sleepy on th bus. When reach th theatre, freaking cold. Haas thn Shimin's bus arrive ler. sit beside me! :D zz thn miss ong sit beside her. Wtf siah. She's so fucked up. Keep saying ppl bimbotic. She's a teacher eh, how can she say tht of students. Thn i say one phrase to Shimin only, thn keep stare at me -.- Wht siah. Lol. Anyway, th show was quite nice. I rmb one phrase, th guy said 'Can hear th lovesounds from her chamber' ROFLMAOSXZ. Aft th show, reached schl at 735 plus plus like tht. Sam keep saying i puachibye ._. Me and Shimin was starving, so immediately chiong-ed to Whitesands eat Superdog! Shimin so good siah, treat me eat Superdog :D Thn aft eating still send me home heh, To th doorstep somemore! Thankyou, v^^ Hahaha you rock :D
I shouldn't miss you but i can’t let you go ♥
Date : 我把自己关起来只留下一个阳台
每当天黑推开城门对著夜幕发呆 看著往事一幕一幕再次演出你我的爱 我把电视机打开听著别人的对白 也许那些故事可以给我一个交代 你要的爱我学不来 眼睁睁看情变坏认真真看情感慨 不能给你未来我还你现在 安静结束也是另一种对待 当眼泪留下来伤已悄在 分开也是另一种明白 我给你最后的疼爱是手放开 不要一张双人床中间隔著一片海 感情的污点就留给时间慢慢漂白 把爱收进胸前左边口袋 最后的疼爱是手放开 不想用言语拉扯所以选择不责怪 感情就像候车月台有人走有人来 我的心是一个车牌写著等待 我把收音机打开听著别人的失败 哽咽的声音彷佛诉说著相同悲哀 你的依赖还在胸怀 我无法轻易推开 我无法随便走开 感情中专心的人容易被伤害 ♥
Date : Thursday, May 28, 2009 Tried cheering myself up by watching this ;D Wrong baby wrong baby wrong. It ain’t the end of the world. Don’t you worry pretty girl. Cause now that he’s gone baby gone baby gone. You got nothing to lose. Count the minutes if you want to. It won’t be long baby long baby long. ‘Til you find somebody new. Come on now. Everyone falls down. Everyone crawls now and then. Then they get up again. You cry if you want to. That’s what we all do. But if you think you’ll never move on you’re wrong baby. Cry baby cry baby cry. Go on and let it all out . I ain’t leavin’ you now. And we can fly baby fly baby fly. Let’s share a bottle of wine. We can laugh about the good times. And you’ll know why baby why baby why. It’s gonna be alright. Come on now. Everyone falls down. Everyone crawls now and then. Then they get up again. You cry if you want to .That’s what we all do. But if you think you’ll never move on you’re wrong baby wrong. Oh you ain’t gone baby wrong baby wrong. There’s nothing wrong with movin on. When you know he’s good and gone. Come on now. Everyone falls down. Everyone crawls now and then. Then they get up again. You cry if you want to. That’s what we all do. Come on now. Everyone falls down. Everyone crawls now and then. Then they get up again. You cry if you want to. That’s what we all do. But if you think you’ll never move on you’re wrong baby wrong. You’re wrong baby wrong. Wrong baby wrong baby wrong.
Date : Recently, many things changed. Really appreciate ppl who're supporting me.
Will update when i get better.
Date : Sunday, May 24, 2009 ![]() Woke at 7.15 today. Didn't thought i could wake up ders. Went breakfast at some coffeeshop at Bedok, thn went wanfolin temple pay respects to waigong :/ Its fr duanwujie thingy (Dumpling festival). At wanfolin, super hot luhs. Me and Kemei perspire like some fucking shitsxz. So long didn't go lers. Last year end kept going there ._. Saw LenaLow at th temple! :D Blahblah. I'm so pissed with th stupid hot humid weather and th bitchy glaring sunlight -.- Due to my sweaty palms, thn somemore so hot weather, i cannot even open a sweet wrapper. Wtf siol. Anyways. ChuLisha Hero/Guailan Buddy! Cheerup ouhkay :D It all happened cos he guan xin you ma! It's a blessing ouhkay! No matter wht, i will always be here fr you :} And your friends arnd you will also be here supporting you :D Takecares bitch. Loveyou k :] ONE MORE WEEK TO HOLIDAYS! Labels: I miss waigong and i miss baby.
Date : Saturday, May 23, 2009 Slept till arnd 11.45 today. And i was woken up cos my dad off-ed my aircon -.- Anyway, went EastCoast with cousins today ;D Cycled. Talked to cousin abt fun stuff. Cycled till arnd 7.40. Awesome to ride bike when sun has set :D Th scenery damn nice luhs. After cycling ate dinner at Marine Parade hawker centre. Thn persuaded my Chongyang come my house sleep over. Kemei came too :D Andy didn't come cos he tmr got tuition. Sad case. Really enjoyed outings with cousins :] Haas. Chongyang keep saying 'someone want go beach uh, wna re-act th scene right' Thn i reply him 'Also nobody there fr me to re-act' Lmao ;x
Date : Friday, May 22, 2009 ![]() Baby ♥ Oh my fucking god. I was bored and i rmb-ed weichao telling me this blog in class. He say 'Ahgua lai de' Thn i just go see, and like seriously. Disgusted. No offence but seriously, omg D: Couple tee somemore siah he and his gay partner. Thn in toilet he wrap towel thn take picture, still put ' NOT EVEN SHAKIRA HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HIPS AND CURVE LIKE MINE! :p 'See no evil siah x.x By th way, its ._.
Date : Almost late fr schl today, thn forced to clip up fringe by our suck-up-to-mr.neo-vice-principal. Thn even th sides also cannot, also must clip -.- Aren't girls supposed to have fringes. Stupid primary schl rule. Ouhkay enough of him. Aft schl suppose have bdmnton meeting. But thn aft tht cancelled. Thn went watch movie! Watched Night At Th Museum 2 with Rachael, Rachel and Fauziah ;D Hilarious movie! :] Drop some cheese on Rachel while feeding her ;x sorry! But Fauziah slept in th movie o.o Aft tht went toilet cubicle cam-whored :} Accidentally whacked Rachael's ahem, sorry! Not on purpose ders! ;x Hmm aft tht thn Rachael went home. Thn saw Shimin at macs. Aft tht we went Tamp1 a while, arnd 630plus went home alr.
Pictures~ |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.