Date : Monday, July 27, 2009 WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU. well i love my life now. better without you. haha. sisters are loved. :D I love Liling, Huiwen Sister, Rachel Sister! ♥ 270709. ***** Tag replies. Debbie: haha, yups! haha thanks. :D Kitty: yea. D: HAHA! :} Silas: hahaha yup i was. sorry couldnt meet you that day! Debbie: huh which spammer? :o okey luh i stop alr! haha. Dorothy: haha nvrm luh! DOROTHY PERKINS! ;x Kitty: haha just updated today! :] Dion: updated luh bastard. :D Rachel: Hello sister! haha. :}
Date : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 TEEJIAMIN! Happy 5 months to you and your baby eh? :D Last long ~
Yesterday, STAIRCASE PARTY. hahaha lol, ;x but it was fun! and we HMWRK-ED. hor hor Aqilah? blahblah, then bus-ed home with Aqilah! During social studies, Sabrinah and Amalina keep making me laugh omg. HAHA. crazy bitches. then we drew some stupid face on our hands. lol! and Sabrinah distracted me and Amalina when we were copying some stuffs by acting stupid. HAHAHAHA. :}
Date : Saturday, July 18, 2009 met the ladies! ♥ trained to Bugis, ate at macs, then proceeded to Haji lane. found the shop me and jiamin went that time but it has age limit. wth, that time we managed to get in. then went to another one! :D well we bought the rose flavour-ed! and bought a lot a lot a lot drinks. :D at first we suppose to go to the room upstairs. but very crowded and a lot bengs and lians staring at us. haha. blahblah. well we had fun. :D but Aqilah just keeps hogging the pipe! HAHA HOGGER. kidding luh. :} until 630 or so, left and went to Bugis street, then ljs, then Bugis Junction, then FootCourt. hahaha. went home after dinner, reached home at 10.
Well i was updating ytd, then my father was nagging like a broken recorder. he ask me what time i offing comp, i said arnd 1230 luh, then he kaopei, saying that i went out whole day arnd still wna use comp. he said i was too much. wth, damn irritating. before that he came into my room, then i just leave the comp there and text. he said, quickly do finish your things then i off the modem. then obviously i won't right, who would let their prnts see their blogs. wth, then he say why cannot let him see. urgh. and the best thing is, the momentn he left my room, he went to off the freaking modem !@#$%^&* i just finish posting luh. zz. very pissed ytd. Tag replies. Silas: ya quite okey now! :D Hongyang: lmao! hahaha. ;x Janice: yeah. :} honoured? :P Dion: haha no-linker. what no big deal?! i make you cry want not. Debbie: relax relax. tsk, dion's heartless. Kitty: YALUH. sad dont have apple. :/ Dorothy: hahaha. ouhya you havent see! Amalina: hahaha! loveSXZSXZSXZ. Sm: hahaha. relax. :D Kitty: YALOR. D:
Date : Friday, July 17, 2009
Date : 15July09, Wednesday.
Heavy downpour in the morning and 3 of us didn't have umbrella. reached bedok the bus stop there at 740+. after standing there for like few minutes or so, we decided that the rain wouldnt stop anytime soon so we decided to have breakfast at bedok macs. breakfast-ed until like 840 or so, reached class at 855 like that. stupid edmund peng, take so long to settle our stuff. lol, our phones and ezlinks got confiscated. ouhya, and chiawei got beaten up by roger. ;x HAHA. then the e3 ppl come over, 'eh fight again leh!!' i forgot about the details. after schl, detentioned for one hour. arnd 4, left for tuition. Tuition place! 16July09, Thursday. ce lesson was interesting. :D went basketball court with mrjohn. he brought us there cause he didn't wna let other studsents/tchers hear our conver. blahblah. after schl went bedok library with amalina(sxzsxzsxz), debbie and shermei! slacked a while at the magazines there, left at 430. haha. then met the SLWY STUPID BABI. haha. ma-de, he doesnt wna tell me what's S11(not the coffeeshop -.-) and doesnt wna wear the specs that has got red colour at the side. D: bus-ed 81 home with him. :D 17July09, Friday. Happy Birthday Howsoon uncle! ~ after schl met joohwee, jiamin, aqilah and liling. thy suggested to go home, then meet later! so went home, bathed, changed and everything. met Aqilah at 3 at PasirRis Mrt, met liling and jiamin at tamp, then trained to tanahmerah. went to airport to 'study'. in the end, all no mood, just slacked and talked. :D went Popeyes! after that found one corner and sat down. well, everyone's sad. heard the lyrics of the song very clearly. sigh~ 你已经远远离开, 我也会慢慢走开, 为什么我连分开都迁就着你. 我真的没有天份, 安静的没这么快, 我会学着放弃你, 是因为我太爱你. 你要我说多难堪, 我根本不想分, 开为什么还要我用微笑来带过, 我没有这种天份, 包容你也接受他, 不用担心的太多, 我会一直好好过. I just suddenly thought of them. All the sweet memories, all the good times, how happy i felt. It all just came back. I didn't thought i would still feel for you. I can't help it. Urgh. I WNA TRY APPLE FLAVOUR TMRW! v^^ Janice, Jiamin, Joohwee, Aqilah, Liling cheerup! :D ***** Tag replies. Kitty: HAHA. i wna try apple flavour tmrw okey! :D Dion: loser ~ haha. i give you today alr okey! :D Silas: yalor the more the merrier ma. LOL! Joohwee: yeah! fun siah. :} Dorothy: yeahlor! you neglect me. D: Wenxian: okey thanks. haha nevermind luh! :D Janice: Hello sister! :} Chongyang: HAHA. bird talks in a birdy way. Jana: hello sun-nu ~ Jasmine: nupengyou! HAHA. i tagged you too okey. :D
Date : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Happy Belated 16th Birthday Zhenzhi! :D (13th) My emotions are quite unstable recently. one moment you see me emotionless and stonestone, the next moment you'll see me talking crap like some aunty and laughing heartily/playing with Dion's MrBump or smth. i have no idea what's got over me. i'm sorry, if i suddenly just ask you to 'shut up luh' or smth like that. I'm pretty comfortable with my braces-less teeth and i love my straight teeth. haha, i bet i'm eligible for Colgate advertisement alr! (just joking.) After schl, took dad's car to Raffles Place to get my retainers. :D i find them cool. haha. but with them on i can't pronounce f's an s's. so i can't say 'fuck siah.' laughs. I can't rmb what happened in class yesterday, but ji laoshi got angry with our class. cause of someone who don't wna answer her questions properly and didn't even bother to think, or rather, search for the answer on the worksheet. ouhyes, maths and bio test was postponed. maths test postponed to today, and bio friday. urgh, i don't understand a single point in the bio notes luh. what the? i didn't know photosynthesis can be so confusing. to hell with the bio test. I got my lungs laughed out today in class when Ryan showed me a video. a really funny one. what video is it exactly? Adawiyah dancing ballet! haha, the funniest thing is there's this part where she turn turn turn and she fell. ohmygod. i was laughing that Adawiyah showed me the -.- face. not sure if she was really pissed. maths test, i kind of screwed up one of the questions. damn. there goes 3 marks. ouhya during lunch today. i got hiccups. Again! (urgh.) i always have them, and i don't like it. like who does ._. And my fringe's long. like until my chin? yeah so i decided to cut it. after thinking for like 2-3 days, i decided to just do it. ya and i cut my fringe. myself. i was kind of scared before i started. luckily it's fine. :D To my dearest bird, i understand that you're deeply affected by this. you can't handle it, hence you decided to escape. i've gone through it and i understand how'd you feel. and no, you shouldn't quit. i regretted too. for all you know, things may just get better when you two hang out more often. furthermore, you ppl did not even quarrel. just communicate with him more, and everything will be fine i guess. stay strong bird, it'll get better. i suppose it's just a phase that almost everyone goes through. my friend told me that and i've been believing a lot in that sentence. i even remind myself of that every now and then. whatever it it, stay strong and DON'T EVER QUIT. any problem you have, you can tell me. i'll be here for you. don't go through anything tough yourself. :D MEETING BABI ON THURSDAY! (Dion, its not baby. its b-a-b-i, babi. :D) shutup. before you say anything or comment, think again. does it affect you -_- ***** Tag replies. Jinda: Hello. :D Liansheng: HAHA. okey okey. sure. :D Link me too. Debbie: what evil girl? who more evil, always laugh at my height only. :/ ppl will sad one leh. haha thank you! :D Peter: lol ya ya, whatever you say since its YOUR product. haha. Silas: sorry luh babi. HAHAHA. tsk, stop rolling in mud! ;x Dorothy: haha i also what. ;x Jana: eh ah girl uh, is this how you talk to your ahma? show some respect please. :D Weiyee: hello! Fauziah: hahah no prob! Chongteng: haha, sorry! :D
Date : Friday, July 10, 2009 HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FAUZIAH :D (9July!)
Happy One Month Laopo! ♥ Hahaha thanks for your present uh! Make me open the present until hand black black : Schl rocks today. :D bio was the fastest today luh. copy concept map, then look at the clock, 1045 alr. it starts at 10 and ends at 11. during english, played with dion's mr (dno what) that he hang it on his pencil case. haha. damn cute okey! :D he keep ask me give back to him cause is Cybelle give de, as he said. dno real de ma. haha! then i wrote imy, then Roger thought is 'i masturbated yesterday' WHAT THE !@#$%^&*. recess, damn empty! the caifan stall don't even need queue one. ;x and guys from our class plus a few from neighbouring classes are so gna become gamblers. lmao. in our class machiam gambling den -_- shitz, monday got geog test maths test bio test x.x aft schl, meet laopo take present. haha. hmmm and waited for cheryl's father come fetch cause heavy x1000000000 rain. me and esther tompang, she alight temasek poly, i alight tamp mall. sorry twin for being late! ;x HAHAHA. went lunch with twin. someone still say he saw me with a guy lor! ANYHOW ONLY. then walk walk awhile. took pictures at the taxi stand! lolol. then waited for bus to go tuition. and i was late for tuition. ( WHO'S FAULT UH TWIN?) AND I AM REMOVING MY BRACES TMRW. ITS TMRW OKEY! :D But hor, kind of sad leh, two years of relationship with me D: haha, joking luh! ;x i don't like it cause it gives me pimples -_- And i got a splinter! D: damn. In class: Some people just like to claim that others stare at her. and how did she know when she didn't look at her at the first place? then not happy still need ask friends text that person who 'stared' you uh. and who would wna stare at ppl like you. are you very pretty or what? tie two ponytails one siah. primary schl kid eh? and stop sow discording luh. tsk. VaniaLong! Cheerup okey! hahaha she scold you, you scold her back :D no need scared tie two ponytails de girl. HAHAHA. ***** Tag replies. Phyllis: Hi! :} Joohwee: HAHAHA. whoops! ya! he's damn crazy luh -_- Kitty: YESSSSS :D i love that song okey! Chongyang: hello! :D Jana: i see. haha, SUN-NU, KUAI GAO ZHANG DA! :D Niam: okey! Marisa: okey! :D AHJOY: haha, yups. bloghop ;x hahaha, thankyou! :D Dorothy: hahaha. yalor! keep hit me one D: Sandra: hello laopo! :D Shimin: YA! HAHAHA. yeah she rocks luh! but sad, she take my class 3 weeks only D: Vania: hahaha, yes! relax okey! :D GerHz: okey thanks! |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
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