Date : Monday, August 31, 2009 Happy Advanced Teachers' Day!
Tchers' Day Celebration today. Started with Aces day workout. Totally lame. Concert not bad, though the sound track and stuffs kind of screwed. Geog retest postponed to Thursday. Sabz nvr come schl today! )): Get well soon, talk to Yunjia everyday, keep the doctor away! ♥ Concert ended late, hence reached Coral Primary late. Sorry! Met Huiying, Jinyi, Wenxian, Arnold, Aeron and Bryan! Yea some didn't bother to come. the rest busy. How sad. )): Saw some seniors and juniors from Tampines Sec too. Kewl.Hahaha. Went to our Primary6 Classroom, it became tidier and less tables. HAHA. Looks so empty. :/ Talked to them outside our Primary6 Classroom. Crapped lots. Huiying loves to call Wenxian's name in a very gatal way. LOL. It disgusts Wenxian. :x HAHA. Huiying's still as crazy as last time. :D Blahblah. Left at arnd 4. Then Arnold Teo Guofeng wanted bubble tea from central's sweettalk. So we all walked to the bus stop. Huiying left for home. So guai, so home study worsxzc. Bus-ed to central, drink bubbletea, then went CoffeeExpress eat/drink/talk. Wenxian and Arnold ate. And i feel like a dwarf standing together with them. :/ They all said 'Still as short as last time.' Especially the tallest, Arnold -.- Chatted with them until arnd 530. Left for home. Aeron, Wenxian and me walked same direction. Wenxian didn't know he stayed kind of opposite me until recently when i told him on msn. Idiot! HAHA. Reached home arnd 6. :D
Date : Sunday, August 30, 2009 Tmrw i'm going back to Coral Primary Schl! Hopefully the stupid geography retest can be conducted during curriculum. If not i won't make it in time back Coral! I'm studying for my retest tmrw. And i hate the mosquitos which bit me. Smack them i swear -.- Their blood addiction caused me to scratch my mosquito bites like some insane person with cerebral palsy okey -_- Someone down my block's burning incense paper. Omg, i don't like the smell. Stupid geog get into my head! Yes Debbie i know you miss me, control yourself please. :D Ya ya Debbie you sweetest luh hor? ♥ What the, my mum's mental illness just relapse. I'm serious. Madwoman -'-
Date : Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy!
Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Italy! Zomgzomgzomgzomgsxzc.
Date : Friday, August 28, 2009
Date : Claustrophobic. Woke up with my teeth hurting )): Stupid retainers. Grrr. Btw its friday! Lol :x And someone forgot to charge his phone in the morning so can't text )): Idiot. But today's friday so will be fast! Hahaha. Hmm, schl seemed fun today. Geog retest on monday -.- Spoil my weekend. Need to spend time memorising alr. Geography lesson was funny today! Me and Sab kept laughing when Miss Tan showed us pictures of her vacations, then she act cute in certain pictures. HAHAHA. And this mixed blood turkish+america girl in the pictures damn pretty! Chemistry as usual sucked. But it was practical which up-ed the reputation of Chemistry. Lol! Maths, MrSng kept writing 'striaght' on the board. Conclusion: maths tchers failed their english. Mother Tongue, we had chinese compo test. Surprisingly i had inspiration. And Weichao thinks he's handsome. Everytime anyone looks at him, he would say 'Why, haven't you seen any handsome guys before?' :x After schl, met Debbie, *Joanne and *Jean. Went Bedok's Long John Silvers. Saw RachelL. Hahaha. Finish eating, sat there for quite long. Cause nobody knew where to go next. Went to Bedok library, Debbie and i went toilet. Then they thought where we went, and searched the whole place. Losers~ HAHA. Then squeezed in one sofa, read book. Then Debbie went away for a while emo. Idiot. 3 plus, *Jean left. Then Debbie suggested go for movie. Went Tamp's Golden Village, bought tickets for 'Up' Interesting characters, and so cute! The little boy Russell looks like Weesiang, and the uncle, Carl, looks like MrGarySng! Squarish head, black spec lol :x In the cinema i felt extra. I'm the extra, not Debbie. Get this fact right. After that went inter, took 81 with Debbie. :D And some ppl are just so gatal. Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, cause I might do something crazy like believe it. ***** Tag replies. Arnold: Hi! :D Seeya on monday! Dorothy: HAHA. Starting on Sept! Chongteng: Hello. Thanks for tag :} Weesiang: haha okey! Debbie: He dno meh?! I think he know luh! HAHA. Yes yes i'm sure. :] Hongyang: Hi bestfr! :D Bryan: HAHAHA. I didn't ask you come what! Jana: Umm, someone! :P
Date : Thursday, August 27, 2009 Randall's Sandals. Randall + Sandal = Sandall. v^^
Date : Tuesday, August 25, 2009 YOU CRAAAAAZY DOG. -'-
(anybody who wna know why, ask me and I'll send you the conver.) *Laughs. I thought of smth. Only dogs put their display picture a dog, cause that's their zilian picture. v^^
Date : HI! Yesterday, me and Shermei took english situational test downstairs then Vanessa Teo come disturb -.- walau, crazy siah. Then in class some * whacked me real hard. like !PIAK. then i look at her, she said sorry sorry. wth mansxzc. she wna whack me then say sorry. btw, after schl, took maths test, then met Joohwee. we saw smth cool at the wooden bench place outside the toilet there. haha. someone ate biscuits and placed the icings on the bench nicely. i snapped a picture of it :x after that went some mac@tamp. saw liling, fauziah, rachel wong they all. blahblah. then went century walk. we thought of watching movie though. so we went to check the timing. the earliest at century for The Proposal was like 6 plus, i think. can't rmbr. then we went tampmall to check the timing. on the way, smth retarded happened. cause we were at the first floor. then we wanted to take the lift. i press the button, then it was at the basement. so while waiting, we talked. we only noticed the lift when it was about to leave our level. then i pressed the button, and said 'why nobody one' but got this fat uncle inside. he mumbled smth like 'teenagers uh, nobrain one' i was like wtf ?!@#$%^&* then nvrm. we didnt retaliate cause we're good girls and busy laughing. then he alighted at the same level as us then when we overtaked him (caused he was walking real slow) he said 'no brainers' this time joohwee also heard it. walau. joohwee actually wanted to stalk him but we didnt in the end. no ballsxzc luh he. so we proceeded to buy tickets for the 430 The Proposal. Not bad, the girl has a hot body. hahaha. left at arnd 640 plus. :D
* Today had Chemistry test. Screwed it, i didnt realise i had my notes with me. i realised that i had only when i was in class today. After Chemistry was Biology. MrAng actually wanted to give the class back their tests for corrections and stuff. then i told him i haven't took then the whole class was like oiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuhhhhh. walau, i haven't take test then my fault. *Cries. Well actually quite my fault luh. Supposed take yesterday. Ouh during recess, Debbie showed me some msgs that ass texted her. HAHA. both same one. HelloPanda addict. (READ THIS DEBBIE :D) Maths lesson, had stomach cramps. Ouch. Seriously couldn't stand it. And it made me perspire when it wasn't humid at all. grrrr. It went away after a while. (Pheeewwww.) Social studies, copied stuffsxzc until sian. So many points to squeeze in one small place. Stupid. Had chinese remedial after school. So went up 4 storeys in my block, then did finish the worksheet, then had biology test at the first floor in another block. What the -.- go down go up and go down again. Whatever. Then went to the test late cause need to complete the chinese worksheet first. After that went biology test. Finish alr then i went home. I feel so guai. Its like the first time i' m going home so early, (I think?)and my father's home. Nice one right. Tsk. I've been suffering from all the itch of the mosquito bites i have on my body. On my left feet alone alr got 9. zz, so irritating. And someone just told me in my msn display picture i looked like a nerd. wth, of all things, NERD. I'm going to do my hmwrk now. Bye idiots. :} Now i know, it was just a wishful thinking on my part. ***** Tag replies. Silas: You're forever forgetting luh! haha. Debbie: Okey! Ofcourse got heart luh. v^^ you sureeeee? You'll get struck by lightning if you lie. So think twice. I'm giving you a chance to change your statement now. :P Hongyang: Walau, she so chio you say like ghost! :/ Teri: Yea! Walau, 3 days leh, even if i wna skip 1 day also difficult leh, how skip 3 days. lolol, suspected h1n1 ma. :/ Liqing: Hahaha. But still got cough. So irritating one. Chongqi: HI! so luhsxzc. haha. Farahin: Okey! :)Amalina: HI MINAH! hahaha. Debbie: HAHA. i told you through msn le luh! haha. REALLY MEH. you look at your hellopanda addict de brother right. *raises eyebrows* HAHA. spam lo spam lo. TMRW YOU DIE. Alvan: haha hello! hahaha hadi -.-
Date : Sunday, August 23, 2009
Date : You think through that 7 months, i felt nothing? i tried, but i can't. i even attempted to force myself to, but i rmbred you said you wanted true love. after all you tried so hard. i didn't treat you as invisible. you said you wanted to watch a certain movie with me. i agreed, and i haven't forgotten. that's the reason i haven't watched until now. but i don't think you would ask me to watch with you anymore. when we talked through the night, i wanted to hold your hand, but i wasn't sure, so i didn't. and i didn't regret. thankyou for all that you have given me. i don't regret having you as a friend. but from what i see, you don't want me as a friend anymore.
Date : Saturday, August 22, 2009 HI ASSES. i'm back after, absent from schl from 3 days. yay. hahaha. yea i got fever. D: tuesday last period was ss, a bit feverish alr, then thought i was okey, then met Dorothy Twin! blahblah. reached home at 5 plus, vomitted. you wont wna hear the description. wednesday morning went to the doctor's with mama. check here check there. conclusion: h1n1. *silence* then he prescribe 6 medicines. acid in the stomach plus chilli (vomited out) = numbness in throat. days eating medicines, sleeping, watching tv and NOT WALKING STRAIGHT was hell. due to the medicines my tastebuds are partially dead, and i cant walk straight. seriously. like some idiot, i walked and knocked against the piano. -.- grrrr. well i feel better alr. but next week so back to schl with 6 TESTS. omg how am i going to survive that. 4 tests from last week. and lit nppa still not started. :/
after praying to jesus, allah, buddha, hindu god and all the other gods i got well. v^^ thanks those who texted me when i was absent. and those who accompanied me by texting. i wont forget. :D ***** Tag replies. Rachel: where got! better than me rightttttttttttt. haha. you sure you not honoured?! Silas: haha. at first forget bring foolscape, then nvr bring calculator. tsktsk~ Teri: hahaha no luh, correct. :D Wenxian: hi! umm, should be. call more ppl ley! :} Debbie: got problem also must try until can! me ley, how can nvr relink. D: boxim siol x.x HAHA. Aqilah: hahaha yea! i wna put three cheers for five years! ♥ Wenxian: haha okey! joking only ma. chill! Farahin: haha yea! sure. :D Debbie: HAHAHA I CAN POST. :D your retribution for not jio-ing me to the orphan. with that hohoho. :x Marisa: hahaha okey! :} Rachael: HAHA! Amalina: FINAL DESTINATION 4! :xyou cfm scream like minah. lolol. :P Chongteng: HI! :] Chongqi: haha thanks. better le. :D Lisha: haha. sorry lor. h1n1. :x Janice: hi sister! haha. better le, thankyousomuch. :D You know the words, so sing along for me baby.
Date : Sunday, August 16, 2009
Date : Friday, August 14, 2009 Happy Advanced 15th Birthday Rachel LeeJiaqi Airen! ♥
i dedicate one post for you okey! honoured not?! haha. bold somemore okey. :D
Screwed the geog test seriously. D: Tiara finally passed me the birthday list! :D after schl, went chemistry retest, then chinese remedial. :/ haha. met the minahs-amalina and sabrinah! and debbie too. :D then went simei collect my phone! yay, thanks for accompanying! then went ljs. i got the netbook thingy again. debbie, told ya i very lucky one. xD i got 3 keychains alr. ouh and debbie said the chicken looks like a penis then purposely go slice it. horny right. haha lolol. crapped a lot. HAHAHA. after that, went meet Rachel, Jana and Lisha for movie. watched where got ghost. haha. rachel kept holding me and lisha's hands to cover her eyes with :x blahblah. show's not bad luh. haha. i wna watch up and orphan! went century square toilet, slacked a while. took pictures! then rachel met qiwei, lisha went home, then i also go home. :D reached home at arnd 640! pictures, waiting for lisha to upload. :D (i shall be nice and not post unglam pictures of amalina and sabrinah!) I'm getting paranoid.
Date : Thursday, August 13, 2009 (12august09)
I HATE SINGAPORE'S WEATHER. in the morning also perspire like shit. in class cannot concentrate, sometime skeep dozing off. ugrh. and yesterday me and debbie's phome and ezlink got confiscated. cause we wear fbt -.- wth, we have been wearing it since like starting of the year. we got back our stuffs after schl. then went ljs for lunch! talked using the mrsng language. HAHA. then got this file, the ppl before us forgot to take. so we just left it there. then bought this meal and got this packet containing a keychain and some paper thingy. it said we could win a netbook with six of the different keychains. lol! sab is so set on getting that netbook! ouh and i wna get a new schlbag and wallet! my wallet is getting fatter each day, not cause there's more cash, but cause i put a lot rubbish and nvr clear ._. AND. dion changed his coins with my notes. cause he said its heavy. diao. (13august09) during recess, the sony ericson ppl called and told me i could collect my phone tmrw! :D fast right fast right. haha. after schl, met rachl. she's such a bitch. seriously. v^^ haha. went to ljs, AGAIN. boughtthe same meal, and i got the same paper. and a different keychain. yay, 4 more to go. hahaha, rach, rmbr what you got? :x walkwalk, went xcraft and bought earstuds. LOL. she kept laughing when she looks at mine. and i do the same. :P haha. blahblah. :/ went home at 7 plus. :} ljs date with sab, amalinasxzsxz, debbie and shermei! GETTING BACK MY PHONE TMRW! :D shit, tmrw got geog test and chem retest. D: ***** Tag replies. Rachel: EH WHAT. you take bio too. :D its just open mindedness. v^^ my left ear for you to see one. HAHA. Debbie: YARIGHT. hahahaha. ya ya, i believe i believe. Silas: yaluh. go library to talk only. LOL. haha. Jana: HAHAHA. second puberty. :x Amalina: its not scratch and win ley! haha. just a card. :D
Date : Tuesday, August 11, 2009 One month since i removed my braces. :D Pearly white teeth okey. v^^
Bio was so boring. my head kept dropping off my hand. omg, so metta. and mr ang told us smth that i think the whole class became more awake! he was like 'there's this 14 year old girl, got a penis dropping out of her vagina. she's a girl on the outside but actually she's a guy' omg, the whole class was shocked(?) Amirul still can ask questions like "then the penis got hair a not?" LOL! damn gross luh omg! i screwed Amaths test on trigo. i got called paedophile by some no life person. drink drink drink, drink till you die. -'- Treat you so good, help you keep so many secrets, this is what you do? thanks uh. seriously. i am so grateful towards you. After schl, lunched with Jiamin, Liling, and Joohwee at some sushi place. :D i love the black current drink luh! omg. awesome. then went simei with joohwgo service my phone. sian, i miss my phone omg. D: and some contacts are lost! nvrm, got backup in my comp! that's how smart ppl do work, :D eh don't play play, i got backup hor. xD and my brother lost my memory stick reader. NICE ONE LUH HOR. Joohwee: move on move on! :D you can do it. xD Tag replies: Silas: study also nvr study dao lor! at there guailan ppl to shut up only ley you. hahaha. Jana: HAHA. PUBERTY! :X Huijuan: aiyer, you started it! childish woman. :D Marisa: hahah no problem. xD Weesiang: change link lor, :D Rachel: lol, penis sticking out of the vagina. GOSH. I wna say it out but i shall wait for you to do it first. *waiting* ~ ♥
Date : Sunday, August 09, 2009 Happy 44th Birthday Singapore! :D
Went swimming in the morning! hahaha. Watched Ndp Show on tv just now, prnts said it was really nice, agreed. My brother got bored just now and he started playing neopets, candystand and cartoon network! watching 我要唱下去! i saw kexin. :D jiayou! omg, watching singapore idol now. lots of weird ppl o.o Yay meeting Babi to study tmrw. :D ***** Tag replies. Dorothy: haha, nvrm one luh. :D Javin: huh when?! Chrystal: ya ya you most beautiful lor. :] haha, nvrm luh. take your time. Jana: haha, fine. i've not been growing. D: omg, if you as tall as him damn scary! girl where got so tall one. :o Huijuan: hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi. MINE MORE. v^^ Hongyang: okey! :] Silas: yay. haha. :D
Date : Saturday, August 08, 2009 Happy Birthday Huiwen! :D
Woke at 7, went breakfast, send mama to work, then tuition at 9! after that, went walk walk a while with dad then went home. studied geog a little, went dinner with relatives at 6 plus. :D Ate until my stomach feels like it's gna explode anytime. :o a lot leftovers, so we used those to play zong ji mi ma. person who tio that number eat one portion of the dish. can choose which dish you want actually. :D haha. reached home at 10 plus, prnts instant k.o. haha. now i'm freezing in my room. omg. hahaha. Babi, cheerup okey. :D
Date : Tuesday, August 04, 2009 Tagged by Dion.
50 little secrets, be honest. 01. Who was your last text from? Silas. 02. Where was your default picture taken? Do i have one? 03. Your relationship status? Single. 04. Have you ever lost a close friend? Yes. Not only one. 05. What is your current mood? Exhausted. Vexed. 06. How many siblings do you have? One older brother. 07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names? Songkai. 08. Where do you wish you were right now? Beach! love the breeze and waves. 09. Have a crazy side? yeaaaa. 10. Ever had a near death experience? umm, knocked down by lorry counted? 11. Something you do a lot? Sleep, daydream, text. 12. Angry at anyone? sort of, but not exactly angry. 13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like? nothing uh. 14. When was the last time you cried? i can;t rmbr. :o 15. Is there anyone you would do anything for? hmmm, not sure! 16. What you think about when you are falling asleep? why must she do that. 17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? vanessa teo -.- 18. What is your favorite song? i dno, loads. 19. What are you doing right now? doing this quiz, msn-ing, texting, watching tv. :D 20. Who do you trust right now? not sure! :/ 21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? mama gave it to me. 22. Have you kissed someone in the past week? no. 23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you? zhenghao. 24. Describe your life in one word? boring. 25. Who are you thinking of right now? :D 26. What should you be doing right now? studying. ;x 27. What are you listening to? the tv advertisement's sound. 28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug? cannot rmbr. 29. Who was the last person who yelled at you? er, dno! ;x 30. Do you act differently around the person you like? nopes. :] 31. What is your natural hair colour? black! :D 32. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Sabrinah! :} 33. Who was the last person to make you sad? not convenient to write it here! 34. What do you hear? the show's starting song. 35. Is your hair curly or straight? curly. 36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before? WHAT? of course not -.- 37. Do you have a best friend(s)? i guess. :D 38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days ? nopes! 39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer? yea. 40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? ya, when i was young luh. 41. Are you happy with life right now? no? 42. Are you jealous right now? not really. :D 43. What jewelery are you currently wearing? dont have! 44. What were you doing on friday night? umm, i cant rmbr. 45. Have you ever had your heart broken? yea. 46. Have you ever broken someone's heart? yea. 47. Is there anyone you are disapointed in now? yea. 48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for? to check my hip bone. 49. How late did you stay up last night and why? umm 11 plus. texting ppl. :] 50. Tag ten people? my blog cant copy. D:
Date : A heart is beside, for no reason.
Happy 4 months Jiamin Girlfr! ♥ Saw Javin today! hahaha. Nowadays with morning assembly really sucked. hot sun, making us perspire. and we still had to pay attention to the tchers/dm/principal's speech or whatever. still need to read. friday's national day celebration, compulsory to wear red. i don't have any nice red shirts. how? D: Learning the heart in biology now. so confusing and lottttttts of details, functions, features to rmbr. damn, common test don't come so quick please! Social studies test was okey today. actually just wrote down the facts that i know, didn't really elaborate. just hope that i can pass the test. Mr Sng is seriously getting funnier. lmao, dno if he attended some comedy workshop or what. HAHAHA. math is boring but his jokes managed to keep us awake. (except Ryan). We're doing floorball for pe this few weeks, which sucks. so freaking boring, tsk. In case i don't update for a few weeks, Happy birthday Huiwen Sister! :D (8th) Happy birthday RachelLee! :D (15th) Happy birthday Jinda! :D (16th) Happy birthday Joey Kor! :D (19th) Happy birthday Sandra Laopo! :D (24th) ***** Tag replies. Veron: haha sure! :D Dorothy: HAHA. no such thing lor! often lazy. ;x Jana: YOU SURE? lets seee. :] Liling: huh? you okey not! :o Lisha: haha. i just went your blog, wna grab the pict. but no archive. D: Shen: EH WHAT. -.- no lor, your blog a lot popups luh. Hongyang: LOLOL. she nvr say wna catch up with you luh, EXTRA. HAHAHA. Silas: hello! :} Opy: okey! :D Maybe i should remove it. |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.