Date : Wednesday, November 25, 2009 Tuesday, 241109.
After tuition, met Bestfr for lunch. Then some people came along. Heh heh. Walked at Pet Safari, then trained to Pasir Ris. Went to Ehub. Watched 'My girlfriend is an agent' In the cinema. It was awesome. (x 12345678) Hilarious show, go catch it people (: Wednesday, 251109. Yuen Shimin that aunty is coming back todaaaaaay! I bet she missed me loads. :D Trng at 9 today. Met Tiara the Bitch, trained to Bedok. Then went to Bedok Mac. Bought Double Chocolate Frappe! Left Macs at like 845. Blahblah. Did lots of footwork today. Charles took us today, Malik go back Indonesia slack. Do until can die siah. Finally finished at 12 sets i think. After that did some doubles thingy. Kinda fun though. Trng damn fast today lah. Compared to usually. After trng cabbed down to Downtown East with Rachel, Rachael and Fauziah. The cabby uncle is friendly! Tiara and Mistika took the train. Ate at Fish&Co Express. Then neoprinted. Ages since i ever took one. I look so dumb in them. Rachael and i went to Rachel's house to rape her dog. Tiara and Fauziah didn't. Talked about some stuffs. Laughed like shit. LOL. Rachael took my phone and prank call people. Tmd. Went home at around 450. AND RACHEL HAVE JELLY LENSES! 没原因, 就是喜欢你.
Date : Thursday, November 19, 2009 Quiz from Shili's blog.
WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. Last beverage: Chestnut Water. 2. Last phone call: Mum. 3. Last text message: (Confidential) 4. Last song you listened to: Homecoming. 5. Last time you cried: Last last night. HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice: Yes. 7. Been cheated on: Don't think so. 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nopes. 9. Lost someone special: Yeah. 10. Been depressed: Duh. 11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope. LIST THREE FAVORITE COLOURS: 12. Red. 13. Green. 14. Black. THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2009) 15. Made a new friend: Yes. 16. Fallen in of love: Yeah. 17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah. 18. Met someone who changed you: Yes. 19. Found out who your true friends were: Think so? 20. Found out someone was talking about you: Duh. 21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Yes. 22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: All except a few. 23. How many kids do you want?: Don't think i want. 24. Do you have any pets: Nope. Died. 25. Do you want to change your name: Neh. 26. What did you do for your last birthday: Ate, went out with friends? 27. What time did you wake up today: 1135. 28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Tv, sms, play phone game (: 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : Bestfr to send me that song. LOL. And my holiday trip? 30. Last time you saw your Mother: Last night. 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Umm. No idea. 32. What are you listening to right now: Homecoming. Why is this question repeated? 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Neh. 34. What's getting on your nerves right now: My mum -.- 35. Most visited webpage: and Twitter! 36. What's your real name: Tan Yunjia. 37. Nicknames: Umm. Lots. 38. Relationship Status: Single. 39. Zodiac sign: Cancer. 40. Male or female?: Female 41. Primary School?: Coral Primary. 42. Secondary School?: Tampines Secondary. 43. High school/college: Don't know. 44. Hair Colour : Black. 45. Long or short: Between long and short. LOL. 46. Height: 155 bah. 47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Nope. 48. What do you like about yourself?: Umm. No idea. 49. Piercings: 6 50. Tattoos: Don't have. 51. Righty or lefty: What's this?! FIRSTS: 52. First surgery: Er. Primary 3/4. Cant rmbr. 53. First piercing: Primary 3. 54. First best friend: Kindergarten. 55. First sport you joined: Forgot. 56. First vacation: Genting. 58. First pair of trainers: Forgot! RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating: Nothing. 60. Drinking: Nothing. 61. I'm about to: Text. 62. Listening to: I hope - Ft Island. 63. Waiting for: Someone's reply to my text (: 64. Want kids?: Don't think so. 65. Get Married?: Maybe. 66. Career?: Not sure. WHICH IS BETTER: 67. Lips or eyes: Both. 68. Hugs or kisses: Both. 69. Shorter or taller: Middle. Like 16+ ? 70. Older or Younger: Older. 71. Romantic or spontaneous: Both. 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both. 73. Sensitive or loud: Depends on the atmosphere. 74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship. 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Umm. Both? But not too extreme ba. HAVE YOU EVER: 76. Kissed a stranger: No. 77. Drank hard liquor: Nope. 78. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope. 79. Sex on first date: No. 80. Broken someone's heart: Guess so. 82. Been arrested: No? 83. Turned someone down: Yeah. 84. Cried when someone died: Yeah. 85. Fallen for a friend?: Yes. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: Seldom. 87. Miracles: Yes. 88. Love at first sight: Yes. 89. Heaven: Nopes. 90. Santa Claus: Nope. 91. Kiss on the first date: Maybe. 92. Angels: Nope. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time?: No. 95. Did you sing today? Yes. 96. Ever cheated on somebody?: No. 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: Secondary 1? 98. If you could pick a day from last year and relieve it, what would it be?: Umm. Confidential :P 99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Depends. 100. Posting this as 100 truths?: Yes. Just do if you want (:
Date : I realized i haven't blogged for so long. HAHAHA. K now i'm back (:
I can't really remember anything. So i shall just blog some. 171109, Tuesday. Met someone after tuition. Trained to Bugis! Lunched at Sakae. Hahaha. Awesome <: Watched Paranomal Activity. It sucks like shit. It's certainly not worth the Nc16 rating. And i swear, it's not scary at all. Tsk. Waste my time ): But never mind. Hahahaha. Luckily Amalina and Sab didn't watch it in the cinemas. Hmm. Then just walked around Bugis street + Junction. Heh heh. Ohya, i bought a book that my mum wanted @ Kinokuniya! Heehe. So filial right me? :D Then went Toastbox! Hahahaha. Blahblah. Reached home around 1005 (: 181109, Wednesday. Morning went for trng, 9-12. Met Tiara aka PussyCat Doll at Pasir Ris mrt @ 815. Hahahaha. Trained to Bedok, still quite early so went to buy food @ Macs. Walked to schl. Mass trng again. Ugh, boring. Quite slack though :x Blahblah. After trng, lunched with Sb and Jh. Ate @ Long John Silvers! Sweet saw me HAHA. She with her boyfr. Tsk. Bluff me say they @ Century. Saw them downstairs @ Macs lor, tmd. HAHAHA. Walked around, see clothes. They wanna buy for their boyfr (: Went, ate Yoghurt! Delicious :D Sb's sad )): She miss me too much lah that's why. Awww. LOL WHATEVER. Supposed to go home then go Tm meet my parents and Andy one. But raining, then never bring umbrella ella so can't go home -.- Went Toysrus a while, then walked her to Mrt, then met my dad. Blahblah. Watched 2012 @ 7. Front part i was like dozing off. Too tired. LOL. But after that, very happening. Great movie :D Homed @ around 1015. Lucky i'm in love with my bestfriend.
Date : Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Tagged by Debbie and Dion.
1. Whats your full name? Tan Yunjia Awesome ^^ 2. Do you like your first name? Yeah. 3. How long have you liked the person you currently like? 100 days. So zhun right. :D 4. Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours? Neh. 5. Did you cry today? Nope. 6. What are you doing this morning at 8 am? Just reached schl. 7. What are you doing an hour ago? Hmmm. Bathing. 8. What are you currently doing? This quiz lah -.- Plus msn and texting. 9. Who last texted you a msg? Silas. 10. Have to told anybody you love them today? Nope. 11. Do you miss anyone now? Yes. 12. Any plans for tomorrow? Got lessons and trng, how to plan anything. 13. What was the reason behind the last time you cried? Parents, friend. 14. Is there anyone you want to be with now? Ummm. Yeah. 15. Have you kissed anyone who's name starts with C? Nopes. 16. Name someone who make you smiles today. Don't know? 17. Name a friend who's name starts with 'Z'. Zhenzhi. 18. Which of the friend stays closest to you? Zhenghao. 19. Do you prefer to call or to text? Text. 20. Was yesterday better than today? Yes. In terms of activities. 21. Can you live a day without tv and your phone? Nopes. Tv should be can. 22. Are you mad about anything now? I guess so. 23. Do you ever think that relationships are really worth it. Depends on which person, 24. Last person you visited in a hospital? Great grandmother. 25. When is your last hug and second last hug? Months ago? 26. What does the last text msg in your inbox says? (Private and confidential) 27. How do you feel about your life now? Sucks. 28. Do you hate anyone? Not hate, dislike only. 29. Last person you called? Chongqi. 30. Who usually sent you the most texts in a month? Not sure. 31. Is your room messy now? Not as messy as yesterday. I just packed. 32. Who will be mad if your room is messy? Mother and maid. 33. Your shortest relationship. Ummm. 3 weeks? 34. Who do you look like? My aunty i think? 35. Tag 10 People to do this survey :
Aiyah just do if you want to. :x
Date :
091109, Monday. Returned to trng! Trng at Bedok Sports Hall. Quite fun though. :) Footwork, played team event, then did some agility. I didn't do, i ran around the hall instead. Realised that i'm going overseas on the same day as Rachel. End same day also. Heh. Cool or what. Hahaha. Liling was at trng too. Umm, just looking lah duh. :x After trng, ate at Ljs, then bus 69 with Rachel, Rachael and Fauziah. Rachael alighted at her house there, we went Sintec cause i wanted to change my grip. LOL. Then bus-ed home. Skipped dinner, slept until 9. LOL. Menstrual cramps just hurts so much -.- 101109, Tuesday. Chemistry, sat ouside chem lab with Sab, Ivan Guailan, Bryan and Weichao the Gay cause we forgot to bring our practical book. Don't know what practical they did also, the whole lab stinks like some stink bomb making laboratory. In literature, Miss Shen didn't come so Mr Hadad took over. HAHAHA. Super funny lah. Someone used my pen. Tmd siah, busok bodohz. Somemore oily oily one. D: Played stress with Rudolph. After schl, Macs with Sab, Amalina and Debbie. Stress-ed with Sabrinah. Then 1pm liao, Amalina and Sab needa go for their drama mama. So me and Debbie went home too. It's hard to tell the truth, when you've always lied.
Date : Friday, November 06, 2009 TGIF ~
Today was the release of next year sec 3s class allocation! Heh heh. Me and tiara went to see the list during recess. Laopo damn zai de can? She from 2N2 go 3E4. Zomfg lah. Then she still not happy. Science class she want take f&n. Think she cute. LOL. But hor, next year's 3E3-3E5 is combined science! o.o Screwed schl heh. Anyway, after schl, went to ECP with Debbie, Zhenzhi, Chongqi and Randall. Very random, i know. LOL. Debbie and Randall bladed, we cycled. Then Debbie got tired of her blades. So she changed with Chongqi. Then we tried the double rider bike Zhenzhi and Chongqi was riding. Didn't work out. We can't balance together! Then she wore her blades, i got back my single bike! :) Gemini okey, don't play play. :D After we ruturned them, we went to the beach. Heh heh. The waves made our skirts wet. -.- Mine worse cause i'm like so much shorter than her lah. Ugh. But yeah, kinda fun. :) After that we went to Macs. I took their game labels :x HAHAHA. At Macs theguys kept looking at random girls who wore tank tops os sleeveless stuffs or short short shorts. HAHA. Pervert lah hor? The guys wanted to play pool, so we went to the one at East Coast. :) I didn't even know there's a pool place there -.- So many people smoking there. Damn strong can zomfg. And guess what. I saw babi eh! Heh heh. He playing soccer so he didn't see me. HAHA. Bus-ed back to tamp inter, then 81-ed home. On the bus, machiam North Pole lah. The air con not even blowing towards me but i was damn cold. Then i dozed off. When the bus braked, my head banged against the window glass. This is like the umpteenth time already lah. Then so many people look at me. Damn. And i know the picture below looks fake. Lol. And my legs and * hurts. -.- ![]() ![]()
Date : Thursday, November 05, 2009 This post is for some Babi. He wants to see the pe shirts. LOL.
See i take the effort to take eh. Although the pictures suck lah, got a lot shadow. But still, thought that counts okey! :)
Date : Event Spoilers.
Schl bag was so freaking heavy today -.- Bio textbook + geog textbook + ss textbook. Lol. During bio i almost slept. I was super sleepy. But i didn't cause Mr Hafiz talks damn loudly and is constantly joking. Blah blah. After schl, supposed to celebrate Amalina's belated birthday at Kbox. But thanks to some people, it was cancelled. So Debbie, Amalina, Sabrinah, Tiara, Shermei, Weesiang and me went to lunch at PizzaHut instead. Hahaha. We're a bunch or cheese spammers. :P Heh heh. After eating Tiara left! Then we walked around, went Toysrus! LOL. Hahahaha. Quite fun today. Sorry Amalina, didn't celebrate with you properly. :/ May be going cycling tmrw! :D Sorry Bestfr, i know i promised to meet you tmrw but i can't. Really really sorry. I will make it up to you some other time. :/ And i don't understand what you guys are thinking. One person don't wanna go then second guy don't wanna go. Nice one lah. And the reason for not wanting to go is like computer games? Fuck off lah. And get a life.
Date : Tuesday, November 03, 2009 If you want to hurt me, then please, take my heart first. Then I won't feel the cold so much. The pain so much. With my heart gone, there's no reason for me to stay. My eyes can look on death and not tremble. It's the heart that betrays us; makes us weep, makes us bury our friends when we should be marching ahead. It’s the heart that sickens us at night and makes us hate who we are. It’s the heart that sings songs and brings memories of warm days and makes us waver at another mile, another smouldering village. So for goodness's sake, take the heart first.
Date : Nothing left to prove.
Monday, 021109 First day of STEP programme. Kinda fun lah. Maths was the best ever. HAHA. Mr Sng brought a water gun! Group which wins gets to shoot at the oppponent. Bawang was the only girl who got shot. After schl, played murderer for a while in schl with Sweet, Azhar, Celine Dion, Guilan, Bryan, and Weichao. Had fun. But Weichao sucked at it. He didn't know how to play. He's not the murderer or anything but he winked at people. What nonsense?! -.- (HAHA CHILDHOOD REMINISCENCE. :P For Weichao, it's deprived childhood.) Dion left first cause he needed to move house. Then after a few games Azhar left. So we decided to leave too. Left for macs, guys ate, girls stared @ them eat. Lol. Then Weichao left. So we went Guailan's house. Ransacked his house. :) Sweet hogged his computer to watch her favourite shuaige 'Zero' while we watched Hotshot. Omg i miss that song! HAHA. I still rmbr how i was late for trng cause i was too engrossed in Hotshot last dec holidays. Left at arnd 545. Went to Tamp for dinner with Sweet, homed. :D Tuesday, 031109. Mr Sng brought the water gun again. HAHA. My group almost got shot but the other group didn't do correctly, phew. Blahblah. Biology, did some practical thing. Mr Hafiz took us cause Mr Ang's @ reservice. Hilarious lesson. But the thing is. I needed to pee. But we were doing practical so i thought, aiyah later lah. But he kept talking and i assumed it was ending soon so i thought it would be better if i tolerate. But he released us @ 115 i think. Zomfg. Once he released us i rushed to the toilet. Bladder almost burst lah can. LOL. Went to Macs with Amalina, Sabrinah, Esther, Dion and Azhar. Ate, talked. Homed at arnd 2. So i should stop being one? You thought, you ignored = my fault? -.-
Date : Sunday, November 01, 2009 Saturday, 311009.
Kbox-ed ytd with Sweet, Guailan, Rudolph, Jack Daniels, Bryan and Terrence. Sweet was the latest -_- HAHAHA. The guys are crazy. At first quite pissed with them cause they're way too noisy. And they sang She Bangs, Do Re Mi, Sexyback, Sexbomb that kinda songs. LOL. And one of them they made it sound like some orgasm thing. And Guailan seemed like a pro in the song system. Then we keep telling him to chose this chose that. Haha. Such a kind person. If i were him i confirm pissed already :x All we said were 'Next page next page! Eh number 5!' that kinda stuffz. Hahaha. But he didn't complain. Roger and Daniel sing until like talking. LOL. Think they funny heh. Damn fun in Kbox. Especially guailan. HAHAHA. He was so comical. When we just started, chose a lot of Jaychou songs. HAHA. Then a bit sian, then started deleting some from the list. I really loved it cause it was the time i wasn't texting anybody, and i completely didn't think of anything that matters when i was there. Although some songs made me think of H. Sang until 6, arcaded. Left at arnd 635, dad came to fetch cause it was pouring! Hahaha. Fetched Debbie too, then dinnered with her at Serangoon inter. After that went Macs for ice cream. Then i saw Babi with this small boy. Hahaha he's a paedophile. :P After that, went up to Waipo's house, homed. (Guess who?!) :D Sunday, 011109 Evening, went Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital to visit great grand mother! Hahahaha. We visit her very often, okey. She very cute lah. Hahahaha. Hungry as ever. Few seconds after she finished eating smth, she'll forget and say she haven't ate. Heh heh. Cause she had stroke. Only can rmbr stuffs from the past. And failing to recognise her great grand children, meaning us. She only rmbrs us as the small kids we were. Hahahaha. Cause everything i do reminds me of you. |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.