Date : Sunday, March 14, 2010 OHMYGOD. Strange phenomena! It's like 20 of my tweets in a row. In between 2 of them there's a break of 8 hours and nobody tweeted in between?! o.o
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Date : Just saw a video that my friend choreographed. Imma great friend okay. So i shall post it here. :)
Date : Saturday, March 13, 2010 I can't believe this. I've been living in a place where i face annoying remarks every month, and like i'm the only person being targeted. When my mum's having her pms, she reprimand me for every thing i do, when it's the freaking usual stuffs. She says i watch too much tv when i went tuition i the morning, then to grandma's. When i finally readed home at like 10.20, she says i should bathe before watching tv. So i rushed through my bath. Then she didn't allow me tok watch my tv programme. She threw tantrums and said to my dad 'I think we should just sell the tv' In a tone that totally pisses me off. I've no idea what she expects from me. I'm just her 'Anger venting outlet' And i'm expected to tolerate it. When i potray a irritated face or whatever, she would scold me. AGAIN. Wow. I look forward to the day that her eggs get depleted and have her menopause.
***** Dear Nwl, i hope your getting better! I don't know you're feeling now cause you haven't been replying my texts and the last time we texted constantly was months ago. You're going though a phase i don't understand. I don't know how to help you and don't think i would be able too. I just sincerely hope that you'll recover from this incident without any scars, and revert back to the old retarded you.
Date : Friday, March 12, 2010 Earthlinggggggggggggggz! Yeah i'm finally blogging again. Haaha. Today was a great day. GREAT.
Today started off awesome already. Nobody actually sings the National anthem, school song, recite the pledge and the pupils' creed. But today it was really loud. It had never been this loud before! Hahaha. Cool right. During geog lesson, Miss Tan was really stressed up! She was trying her best to explain to us Natural Vegetation but all of us were chatty and we kept looking out of the windows. Then she got really freustrated and told us to listen up. As a modal student, of course i did. (: Then it was PE! Today's pe was really awesome. Like totally! The whole class had our legs tied together, my left tied with the person on my right's left leg, and my right leg tied with the person on my right's left leg. It's all about coordination. The tall people at the ends kinda had some difficulty! Hahahha. The whole of sec 4Es were having fun together. Then we were facing 4e3 and we all joked, like 'Eh later we push them ah!' Then some girl in front of me really pushed me down. Like whaaaaaaaaat?! She's taller and bigger than me. And i fell. Thanks ah -.- During maths, we didn't do maths at all! Had loads of things to do. Miss Chong gave us some keychain which she called it bears? Then gave out the commemorative tshirts and donation booklet. Hahahaha. The commemorative tshrits' sizes were really big. The one i got was xxs. Oh and Terence was the only one who looks nice in it! Miss Chong said something like, 'Are you going gym or what? Need to show your nipples ah?' HAHAHA. Funny shit. Then we had short of 2 tshirts! Then she said 'Aiyah Owyong like that one lah' That made our class laugh man! Hahahaha. Simce we were running out of time doing theses stuffs, we didn't even have our Vectors test! After schl, went to 4e2 classroom with Sab for our geog retest. Hahaha. Most of the guys said they didn't study, so Miss Tan postponed it! She was also like no mood already. Hahahah. So we left, then Sabbz called Amalina to meet up. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. (After 10 years..) Then she finally came down with Shermei! So we walked to Bedok Inter, took bus 168 to Tm. It's like we're always hyper before the bus ride. Then after the looooong bus ride, when we alight then we'll become very stoic. That's my theory. HAHAHA. SO. We went to Food Culture to eat! Hahahaha. I ate Nasi Lemak plus two pieces of papadam(sp?) Hmmm. Then Sabbz and Shermei were whining cause their food's very ex! After lunch, we went walking around the mallssxvzcxvzcxvscvxcs. We went in all the nice clothes shops and tried out clothes! Hahahaha. Now i want so many things man! Damn. 5 plus or so, were tired so we went to macs! It was hilarious. Hahaha. All of us were hyped up, like totally. Especially AbdulRahim! She was whining about her sad life, having this flaw and that flaw. And wanted to go home and cry about them. HAHAHA. Then Batrisyiah took out a piece of paper and we started writing our sad list. LOLOL. Then we left macs around 6.30. :D I love today so much. n_n (L) |
0207 ☂ ♥ viewing ! Since 2510. Amalina ♥ Amirul Andy Aqilah Azhar Azrayna Bingjie Bingshen Brian Chengwee Chongteng Chrystal Daniel Dawn Debbie ♥ Denise Desiree Dexter Dion ♥ Donna Dorothy ♥ Eileen Farah Farahin Faried Farhanah Farhanie Ferli Felicia Felicia Geraldine Guihui Haziq Huihuang Huijuan Huili Huipin Huiwen Huiyi Huiying Janice ♥ Jarod Javin Jiamin ♥ Jiawei Jennifer Jinyi JoEe Joey Joey Chua JoeyL Joohwee Kaijiunn Keenian Kelly Kenneth Lewis Liling Lisha Liqing Marcus Marisa Marshall > Mistika. Nabeel Opy Phyllis Rachel ♥ RachelW RachelF Regent ♥ Reuben ♥ Roger Sam Sabrinah ♥ Samuel Sandra ♥ Shermei Shimin ♥ Shili Shiyi ♥ Silas ♥ Siying Songkai Sookyi Syukri Terence Teri Tiara Tricia Vanetta Vania Veron Weesiang Weiheng Weiyee Wenhao Wenxian Zetty Zichang & I Read: FML. Xiaxue. Simply Shawn. Andy Storm. Typical Ben! ♥ ![]() October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |
(L) Zammmmmmmmmy zap.